mercoledì 9 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 4

Elemental Rage to Fierce Fortitude.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Elemental Rage: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the elemental damage she deals.

Mythic Energy Absorption: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of times per rage she can use this power.

Mythic Energy Eruption: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the damage dealt and to the power’s save DC. She also can change the energy type of the breath weapon to another of her choice.

Mythic Energy Resistance: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to her resistance against the chosen element.

Mythic Enhance Venom: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the save DC of poisons delivered.

Mythic Erratic Charge: The barbarian can move 5 additional feet for every 2 tiers she possesses (minimum 1) before starting a charge, and this movement doesn’t reduce the maximum distance of the charge.

Mythic Feast of Blood: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the number of temporary hit points she gains. She also gains the full energy resistances or immunities of her victim, and adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the energy resistance or immunity’s duration.

Mythic Feasting Bite: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the number of hit points she regains.

Mythic Ferocious Beast: The barbarian doesn’t spend additional rounds of rage if her animal companion is adjacent to her, and spends only 1 additional round of rage per round if it is not.

Mythic Ferocious Mount : The barbarian doesn’t spend additional rounds of rage to use this power if she is mounted or her mount is adjacent to her; she can still spend 1 additional round of rage to use the power if the mount is at a greater distance.

Mythic Ferocious Trample: Non-mythic creatures are not allowed a saving throw against the trample attack.

Mythic Fey Blood: The barbarian ignores difficult terrain (but not other creatures) for the duration of her rage, not only during a charge

Mythic Fiend Totem: The barbarian’s body barbs deal an additional 1d6 of damage at mythic tier 1, and again at mythic tiers 4, 7, and 10.

Mythic Fierce Fortitude: The barbarian becomes immune to diseases and poison while raging.

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