domenica 29 settembre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 1

A long new series on all the rage powers that have not a mythic counterpart in the Mythic Character Codex. This first part goes from Abyssal Blood to Bleeding Blow!

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New Mythic Rage Powers

Mythic Abyssal Blood: This power has now the effect of mythic enlarge person.

Mythic Air Totem: The effect lasts for 1 round per level of the barbarian.

Mythic Ancestor Totem: The barbarian gains the insight bonus to her chosen skill even when not raging.

Mythic Armor Ripper: The barbarian adds ½ her tier (minimum 1) to her bonus on sunder maneuvers made with her natural attacks.

Mythic Aryzul’s Curse: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the maximum penalty she can inflict on a creature with this power, and the penalty lasts for a number of rounds equal to her mythic tier after the rage ends.

Mythic Atavism Totem: The barbarian doesn’t die until her hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to her Constitution score plus her mythic tier.

Mythic Auspicious Mark: The barbarian can use this ability without spending rounds of rage a number of times per day equal to one-half her mythic tier (minimum 1). When rolling d6s for her bonus, she can treat any natural 5 as a 6.

Mythic Autumn Rage: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the bonuses gained through this ability.

 Mythic Battle Roar: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the damage she deals to a demoralized opponent.

Mythic Beast Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the bonus gained from this power.

Mythic Bestial Climber: The barbarian retains her climb speed even when not raging. While raging, she adds her mythic tier to her climb speed.

Mythic Bestial Flyer: The barbarian retains her fly speed even when not raging. While raging, she adds her mythic tier to her fly speed.

Mythic Bestial Leaper: The barbarian retains the benefits from the bestial leaper rage power even when not raging.

Mythic Bestial Swimmer: The barbarian retains her swim speed even when not raging. While raging, she adds her mythic tier to her swim speed.

Mythic Bleeding Blow: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the bleed damage she deals to an opponent. Stopping this bleed damage requires a Heal check with a DC equal to 15 + ½ the barbarian’s tier. Any magical healing ends the bleed damage normally.

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