mercoledì 11 settembre 2024

Anton der Braas the Wolf, Level 20

The crime lord of Worldcenter is more charming than ever! Will he continue as a rogue or maybe an arcane trickster?

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Anton Der Braas, the Wolf (CR 25)

Male old unchained rogue 16 (Phantom Thief)/magus 4 (Spire Defender)/stranger 10

N Medium humanoid (human)

Init +19/+24, amazing initiative; Senses Perception +36


AC 36, touch 26, flat–footed 27 (cannot be caught flat-footed), (+7 armor, +5 deflection, +9 Dex, +5 natural)

hp 233 (20d8+100+40)

Fort +16, Ref +24, Will +16. +2 on Ref (weasel familiar), +2 resistance bonus(cape of daring deeds), -2 vs. earth-based attacks (ring of air elemental command)

Defensive Abilities evasion, force of will, go where you wish, hard to kill, immortal, improved evasion, improved uncanny dodge, mythic saves, recuperation, uncanny dodge, unstoppable


Speed 30 ft.

Melee +5 scimitar of the striking wing +30/+25/+20 (1d8+14, 18–20), +5 fate-stealing prehensile shocking burst whip +29/+24/+19 (1d8+14+1d6 electricity, +1d10 electricity burst on a critical hit), dagger of a thousand bites +25/+20/+15 (1d4+10, 19–20), bladed ring +24/+19/+14 (1d3+4)

Ranged dagger of a thousand bites +25 (1d4+10, 19–20)

Special Attacks deeds (derring-do, dodging panache +7, opportune parry and riposte, menacing swordplay), mythic power 23/day, spell combat, spellstrike, surge +1d12

Spell–Like Abilities (CL 20th; concentration +27)

At will oath of anonymity (CL 16th)

At will (spending mythic power)– whispering wind, wind wall, gaseous form, air walk, control winds (DC 17), wind walk, elemental body IV (air only), whirlwind (DC 25), winds of vengeance

1/day– animate rope (CL 16th), commune

Magus Spells Prepared (CL 4th, concentration +11)

2nd Level– gust of wind (DC 19), invisibility, rope trick

1st Level– blade lash, burning hands (DC 18), feather fall, jump, magic missile

0-Level– detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation (DC 17), read magic


Str 19, Dex 28, Con 20, Int 25, Wis 21, Cha 25

Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 38 (42 vs. disarm, sunder and losing grip [gloves of dueling)

Traits Ambitious, Reckless

Feats AcrobaticM, Agile Maneuvers, Amateur SwashbucklerM*, Brilliant Planner*, Combat Expertise* (+4/-4), Criminal Reputation*, Dazzling DisplayM, Defiant Luck, Dervish Dance, Dodge*, Enrage Opponent*, Equipment Trick* (rope), Extra Arcana (x2), Inexplicable Luck, Two-Weapon FightingM, Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Weapon FocusM (whip)

Skills Acrobatics +47, Bluff +30/+35, Diplomacy +38/+42/+46, Escape Artist +40, Fly +38, Intimidate +38/+42, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +30, Knowledge (local) +38, Knowledge (nobility) +30, Perception +36, Profession (gambler) +28, Sense Motive +28/+33, Sleight of Hand +32, Spellcraft +38, Stealth +40

Languages Auran, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan

SQ arcane pool (9 points), arcane augmentation +1, broad education, finesse training (dagger, whip), magus arcana (familiar, flamboyant arcana, spell blending), path abilities (apparent demise, cape glider, confidence, deadly dodge, mortal herald [Air/Wind], mythic panache, nimble glide, sardonic wit, take your best shot, whiplash), refined education (Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge/local, Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth), rogue talents (always prepared, celebrity perks, combat trick, familiar, improved evasion, intrigue feats, major magic, minor magic, panache [7 points], renown), social sense +5, stranger maneuver (surprise strike)

Gear +5 scimitar of the striking wing (69,000), +5 fate-stealing prehensile shocking burst whip (130,801 gp), dagger of a thousand bites (24,502 gp), +5 wizard’s mail (61,100 gp), amulet of natural armor +5 (50,000 gp), belt of physical perfection +6 (144,000 gp), bladed ring (19 gp), blessed book (12,500 gp), blouse of the boastful bastard (8,000 gp), cape of daring deeds (9,000 gp), daredevil boots (1,400 gp), effortless lace (2,500 gp), elixir of luck (3,600 gp), escape ladder (4,000 gp), gloves of dueling (15,000 gp), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), monster almanac (4,000 gp), plume of panache (1,000 gp), poison pill ring, silver (100 gp), ring of air elemental command (180,000 gp), ring of protection +5 (50,000 gp), rod of enemy detection (11,750 gp), rope of climbing (3,000 gp), rogue’s kit (50 gp), signet ring (5 gp), stylish hat (50 gp), thieves’ ring (300 gp), 323 gp.

Ooth, Weasel Familiar (Pilferer)

Effective Wizard Level 20

N male Tiny magical beast

Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +24


AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +10 natural, +2 size)

hp 116

Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +10

SR 25


Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.

Melee bite +19 (1d3 – 4 plus attach)

Space 2–½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Spell–Like Abilities (level 20th, concentration +17)

Constant– nondetection (DC 23)


Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 5

Base Atk +15; CMB +15 (+19 with steal); CMD 21 (23 vs. steal, 25 vs. trip)

Feats Greater Steal, Improved Steal, Weapon Finesse

Skills Acrobatics +33, Climb +10, Escape Artist +25, Stealth +39; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth, +8 Acrobatics

SQ empathic link, scry on familiar, share spells, sneak +10, speak with master

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