mercoledì 4 settembre 2024

Lord Byron Wylde, 20th Level

The fallen knight is fully redeemed and in his full power! His future career will focus on increasing his level in his current classes.

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Lord Byron Wylde (CR 25)

Male old human cavalier 10 (Gendarme)/fighter 10 (Dragoon)/champion 10

LG Medium humanoid (human)

Initiative +14, amazing initiative; Senses Perception +16


AC 36, touch 12, flat–footed 34 (+11 armor, +2 Dexterity, +5 natural, +8 shield), +4 dodge while charging vs. set against attacks (mounted mastery); +3 dodge when challenged (knight errant’s challenge)

hp 228 (20d10 + 60 + 50 + 4)

Fort +22, Ref +13, Will +19; +2 morale on Will while LG (by my honor); +3 vs.fear (bravery);  +2 vs. divine spells and spell–like abilities (Divine Defiance); +2 vs. spells and abilities of evil outsiders (redeemed lance); +4 morale vs. fear during a charge (banner); +4 on Fort saves vs. hot or cold environments and damage from suffocation (Endurance).

Defensive Abilities armor training +1, bravery +3, defy death, elemental fury, force of will, hard to kill, immortal, unstoppable, mythic saves, self reliant, to the death, without master; DR 5/magic (with magic armor); Immune non-mythic curses and compulsions; SR 30 vs. divine spells and spell–like abilities


Speed 30 ft.

Melee +2 stormcaller +33/+28/+23/+18 (1d8+16 +1d6 electricity, 19-20/x3), +2 redeemed thundering lance +33/+28/+23/+18 (1d8+16, +2d6 damage vs. evil creatures, x3 +2d8 sonic), rod of thunder and lightning +29/+24/+19/+14 (1d6+9, x2); +37 or +33 (2d6+24 or 1d8+16) in a charge while mounted (cavalier’s charge, mounted mastery, magic belt)

Ranged +2 stormcaller +28 (1d8+9, x3)

Special Attacks banner +5/+4, cavalier’s charge, challenge 4/day (+10 damage and +3 to hit while riding mount, +3 morale bonus on attack when challenged), elemental fury, fleet charge, legendary champion, mounted maniac, mythic power 23/day, spear training +2, spinning lance, surge +1d12, without master

Spell–like Abilities (CL 20, concentration +28)

At will (spending mythic power)– obscuring mist, fog cloud, call lightning (DC 21), sleet storm, call lightning storm (DC 23), sirocco (DC 24), control weather, whirlwind (DC 26), storm of vengeance (DC 27)

1/day– commune


Str 25, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 23, Cha 27

Base Atk +20; CMB +27 (+29 with bull rush and overrun); CMD 39 (43 vs. disarm and sunder when wielding a weapon of the spear group)

Traits Adopted, Bound by Honor, Warrior of Old

Feats Combat Expertise (+6/–6), Death from Above*, Death or Glory (+7), DiehardM, Divine Defiance, Endurance, Focused Disbelief, Greater Weapon Focus (spear group), Heroic Will, Horse Master, Iron WillM, Mounted Combat*, Mythic MountM, Mythic Weapon TrainingM (1/day), Power Attack* (–6/+12), Ride–By Attack*, Shield Brace*, Shield Focus, Skill Focus (Ride)*, Spirited Charge*, Trample*, Valiant VaultM, Weapon Focus* (spears group), Weapon Specialization* (spears group)

Skills Acrobatics +13, Diplomacy +21, Fly +13, Handle Animal +21/+25, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (nobility) +15, Knowledge (planes) +12/+17, Knowledge (religion) +14, Perception +16, Ride +20, Sense Motive +19/+24, Survival +18

Languages Common, Elven, Infernal

SQ champion’s strike (fleet charge), expert trainer, legendary hero, mythic mount (sky panther named Bragh), order of the knight errant (self reliant, without master), order of the sword (by my honor [Will], mounted mastery), path abilities (defy death, elemental fury, mortal herald [Weather/Storms], mounted maniac, mythic presence, mythic weapon training [spears], mythic order [Knight–Captain], pure destiny, titan’s bane, to the death), skilled rider

Gear +2 stormcaller (128,302 gp), +2 redeemed thundering lance (72,310 gp), rod of thunder and lightning (33,000 gp), +5 invulnerability elemental bulwark (electricity) (72,300 gp), +5 clangorous heraldic moderate fortification heavy steel shield (100,170 gp), amulet of natural armor +5 (50,000 gp), belt of thunderous charging (10,000 gp), cape of free will +5/+6 (37,500 gp), headband of mental prowess +6 (Wisdom, Charisma) (90,000 gp), lord’s banner of terror (56,000 gp), ring of heartbeat (6,000 gp), ring of inner fortitude, major (42,000 gp), staff of electricity (31,900 gp), stormcrusher gauntlets (45,000 gp), stormlord’s helm (35,000 gp), thunder strap (60,000 gp), unfettered shirt (10,000 gp)

Bragh, Sky Panther Mount, Fighter 11 (Unbreakable) (CR 15)

Effective Druid Level 20

N male Large magical beast

Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low–light vision, scent; Perception +22


AC 30, touch 14, flat-footed 25 (+5 Dex, +16 natural, –1 size)

hp 179 (16d10 + 80 +11)

Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +9; +4 on Fort vs. starvation, thirst, hot or cold environments, and suffocation (endurance); +4 on Will vs. enchantment spells and effects (devotion), +3 on Will vs. mind–affecting effects (unflinching)

Defensive Abilities evasion, improved evasion


Speed 50 ft, fly 100 ft. (good)

Melee bite +23/+18 (1d8+8 plus grab), 2 claws +23 (1d4+8)

Space 10 ft; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +23, 1d4+8)


Str 27, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10

Base Atk +16; CMB +24 (+26 bull rush, +28 grapple); CMD 39 (41 vs. bull rush)

Feats Awesome Blow*, Awesome Charge*, Combat Reflexes* (+5 attacks), Diehard*, Endurance*, Flyby Attack, Heroic Defiance*, Heroic Recovery* (2/day), Hover, Improved Bull Rush*, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Nightstalker, Power Attack* (–5/+10), Stealthy, Toughness, Wingover

Skills Acrobatics +24, Fly +18, Perception +22, Stealth +22 (+26 in the dark); Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth (+8 in the dark)

Languages Common (cannot speak)

SQ armor training 2, quick recovery

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