mercoledì 14 agosto 2024

Vigilante Unified Tradition(s) for Champions/Legends of The Spheres

The vigilante is a jolly class and needs a great many combat and magic variant for all its different specializations and archetypes, but only one guile tradition is enough.

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Vigilantes are as diverse among them as their interests and the places they protect or haunt. Some of them rely on physical might, some on skill and guile, and some even on magic.

Bonus Combat Talents (Avenger):

Equipment: Custom Training, Knightly Training

Gladiator Sphere

Variable: Avengers gain one among the Dual-Wielding sphere, the Duelist sphere, or the Shield Training talent from the Equipment sphere.

Bonus Combat Talents (Brute):

Equipment: Unarmored Training

Berserker Sphere

Brute Sphere

Variable: Brutes gain a talent of their choice from the Berserker, Brute, or Equipment sphere.

Bonus Combat Talents (Stalker):

Equipment: Finesse Fighting, Rogue Weapon Training

Fencing Sphere

Variable: Stalkers gain either the Scoundrel sphere or a talent of their choice from the Equipment sphere.

Bonus Combat Talents (Teisatsu):

Equipment: Ninjutsu Training

Open Hand Sphere

Scout Sphere

Variable: Teisatsu gain either the Athletics sphere or a talent of their choice from the Equipment sphere.

Bonus Magic Talents (Avenging Beast):

Magic Type: Divine

Casting Ability Modifier: Wisdom

Bonus Magic Talents: Alteration Sphere, Nature Sphere.

Drawbacks: Focus Casting, Verbal Casting; Animal Shaman (Mind)

Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes.

Bonus Magic Talents (Cabalist):

Magic Type: Arcane

Casting Ability Modifier: Intelligence

Bonus Magic Talents: Blood Sphere, Death Sphere.

Drawbacks: Material Casting, Prepared Caster, Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting

Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per one and a half levels in casting classes.

Bonus Magic Talent (Magical Child):

Magic Type: Arcane
Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma

Bonus Magic Talents: Alteration Sphere, Conjuration Sphere.

Drawbacks: Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes.

Bonus Magic Talents (Warlock):

Magic Type: Arcane

Casting Ability Modifier: Intelligence

Bonus Magic Talents: Destruction Sphere, Nature Sphere.

Drawbacks: Material Casting, Prepared Caster, Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting

Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per one and a half levels in casting classes.

Bonus Magic Talents (Zealot):

Magic Type: Divine

Casting Ability Modifier: Wisdom

Bonus Magic Talents: Fate Sphere, Protection Sphere.

Drawbacks: Focus Casting, Verbal Casting

Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes.

Bonus Skill Talents:

Automatic Trade Talents: Burglar, Thug

Trade Talent Class Skills: Climb, Disguise, Disable Device, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), Sleight of HandR, StealthR;

R Knowledge (dungeoneering) in place of redundant Stealth.

Automatic Skill Sphere: Subterfuge sphere

Adroit Trade Talents: Escapologist, Gambler

Trade Talent Class Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise,  Bluff, Escape Artist, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (engineering), Sense Motive;
R Diplomacy in place of redundant Sleight of Hand.

Adroit Bonus Skill Talent: Bluster sphere or the Subterfuge sphere (Adaptable Appearance) talent.

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