domenica 5 luglio 2020

Additional Spirit feat

New Medium spirits were made in some books I worked at, like The Book of Passion and Legendary Mediums. A feat to give more spirit to channel to regular mediums was needed! So here it is.
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Additional Spirit
You have made contact with a spirit of a yet unknown kind.
Prerequisites: Spirit Ridden, 4th-Level Medium
Benefit: Choose one of the new legend spirits presented in Legendary Mediums (Legendary Games). You can now channel spirits of that legend in addition to the six legends you already possess. If you already had some spirits of new legends, you can add one spirit from any source to the ones you can channel.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, but no more than once for every 4 levels you have in the medium class. Each time, you gain the ability to channel spirits of a different legend.

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