domenica 13 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 6

 Greater Brawler to Greater Ferocious Beast!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Greater Brawler: While raging, the barbarian is treated now as if she had the Mythic Two-Weapon Fighting feat when making unarmed strike attacks.

Mythic Greater Celestial Blood: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of times per rage she can use this power.

Mythic Greater Celestial Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to her spell resistance and save bonus.

Mythic Greater Chaos Totem: The barbarian adds her mythic level to the DR gained through this power. Her weapons and natural weapons are considered both chaotic and magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Mythic Greater Cult Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of rounds she remains conscious and raging while using this power.

Mythic Greater Daemon Totem: The barbarian doubles the number of hit points healed or temporary hit points gained through this power. Temporary hit points stack for killing multiple creatures.

Mythic Greater Draconic Blood: The barbarian can use this power twice per day at mythic tier 5, and three times per day at mythic tier 10.

Mythic Greater Earth Totem: A manufactured weapon hitting the barbarian must succeed an object Fort saving throw (DC = 10 + ½ the barbarian’s level + her Constitution modifier, including the bonus for being in a rage) or be destroyed.

Mythic Greater Eclipsing Rage: This power’s range doubles, and the level of light can decrease by four steps and be decreased below normal darkness.

Mythic Greater Elemental Blood: The barbarian gains the fleet charge champion’s strike, and can apply it to any movement type she possesses.

Mythic Greater Elemental Rage: The barbarian can apply elemental rage and greater elemental rage also to attacks made with ranged weapons while raging. As a free action when scoring a critical hit, the barbarian can expend one use of mythic power to create an explosion of elemental energy that deals the same additional elemental damage to any creatures adjacent to the target.

Mythic Greater Energy Resistance: While raging, the barbarian is immune to her chosen element.

Mythic Greater Erratic Charge: The barbarian can move 5 additional feet for every tier she possesses before starting a charge, and this movement doesn’t reduce the maximum distance of the charge.

Mythic Greater Ferocious Beast: The barbarian’s animal companion shares the benefits of every rage power the barbarian has active at the moment.

sabato 12 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 5

Fire Totem to Greater Beast Totem!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Fire Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to her level when determining the fire damage she deals.

Mythic Flesh Wound: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of times she can use this power in a rage.

Mythic Flight Response: Activating this power doesn’t consume extra rounds of rage, and the barbarian can use it even if she is immune to fear.

Mythic Fueled by Vengeance: The barbarian can gain 1 extra round of rage for every attack in a round that hits a valid target. There are no limits to the number of extra rounds of rage she can gain in a round.

Mythic Furious Barrage: The barbarian is treated as having the Mythic Rapid Shot feat while raging for the purpose of attacking with thrown weapons.

Mythic Furious Draw: The barbarian is treated as if having the Mythic Quick Draw feat.

Mythic Gearbreaker: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the number of hardness points she can ignore when attacking a construct.

Mythic Ghost Rager: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to her morale bonus to touch AC, without a maximum. Her touch AC can be raised above her full AC through this power.

Mythic Good for What Ails You: The barbarian adds her mythic tier as a bonus on her new saving throw; if she succeeds, the selected effect is removed.

Mythic Greater Abyssal Blood: The barbarian gains electricity resistance equal to ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) and a bonus equal to her mythic tier on saving throws against poison.

Mythic Greater Air Totem: The barbarian can exclude a number of creatures equal to her mythic tier from the effects of her aura.

Mythic Greater Ancestor Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of times per rage she can reroll a skill check in her chosen skill.

Mythic Greater Atavism Totem: The barbarian can trample a creature of her same size. She adds her mythic tier to the save DC against her trample attack.

Mythic Greater Animal Fury: The barbarian’s bite attack deals damage as if she were two sizes larger.

Mythic Greater Beast Totem: The base damage from the barbarian’s claws increases to 2d6 (1d8 if Small) and the claws deal x4 damage on a critical hit.

mercoledì 9 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 4

Elemental Rage to Fierce Fortitude.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Elemental Rage: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the elemental damage she deals.

Mythic Energy Absorption: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of times per rage she can use this power.

Mythic Energy Eruption: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the damage dealt and to the power’s save DC. She also can change the energy type of the breath weapon to another of her choice.

Mythic Energy Resistance: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to her resistance against the chosen element.

Mythic Enhance Venom: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the save DC of poisons delivered.

Mythic Erratic Charge: The barbarian can move 5 additional feet for every 2 tiers she possesses (minimum 1) before starting a charge, and this movement doesn’t reduce the maximum distance of the charge.

Mythic Feast of Blood: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the number of temporary hit points she gains. She also gains the full energy resistances or immunities of her victim, and adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the energy resistance or immunity’s duration.

Mythic Feasting Bite: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the number of hit points she regains.

Mythic Ferocious Beast: The barbarian doesn’t spend additional rounds of rage if her animal companion is adjacent to her, and spends only 1 additional round of rage per round if it is not.

Mythic Ferocious Mount : The barbarian doesn’t spend additional rounds of rage to use this power if she is mounted or her mount is adjacent to her; she can still spend 1 additional round of rage to use the power if the mount is at a greater distance.

Mythic Ferocious Trample: Non-mythic creatures are not allowed a saving throw against the trample attack.

Mythic Fey Blood: The barbarian ignores difficult terrain (but not other creatures) for the duration of her rage, not only during a charge

Mythic Fiend Totem: The barbarian’s body barbs deal an additional 1d6 of damage at mythic tier 1, and again at mythic tiers 4, 7, and 10.

Mythic Fierce Fortitude: The barbarian becomes immune to diseases and poison while raging.

domenica 6 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 3

 Daemon Totem to Elemental Blood!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Daemon Totem: After the effect of the daemon totem power expires, a target must attempt saving throws as normal to remove the temporary negative levels gained.

Mythic Deadly Accuracy: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to her surprise accuracy bonus when confirming a critical. This stacks with the bonus granted by the non-mythic deadly accuracy rage power.

Mythic Deathless Frenzy: The barbarian can ignore the effects of being at 0 hit points or less for a number of rounds equal to 1 + her mythic tier before suffering consequences.

Mythic Disemboweling Tusk: The barbarian deals 1d4 Strength and Constitution damage in addition to the normal damage for a critical gore attack.

Mythic Disruptive: While raging, the barbarian gains Mythic Disruptive as a bonus mythic feat.

Mythic Dissipating Rage: This power’s range increases to 30 ft. around the barbarian, and she can exclude herself and a number of additional creatures equal to her mythic tier from the effect.

Mythic Draconic Blood: While raging, the barbarian gains a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis and sleep.

Mythic Dragon Totem: The barbarian doubles the bonuses gained from this power and other dragon totem rage powers.

Mythic Dragon Totem Resilience: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the energy resistance granted by this power.

Mythic Dragon Totem Wings: The barbarian can always use this power as an immediate action at no cost, and doesn’t expend extra rounds of rage while flying.

Mythic Earth Totem: The barbarian gains the earth glide universal monster ability. She can earth glide at her same burrow speed.

Mythic Eater of Magic: The barbarian adds her mythic tier as a bonus on the rerolled saving throw against a magic effect, and to the temporary hit points she gains through this power.

Mythic Eclipsing Rage: This power’s range doubles, and the level of light can decrease by two steps and be decreased below normal darkness.

Mythic Elemental Blood: Whenever the barbarian is affected by a spell with a caster level equal to or greater than the her class level -2, and that spell inflicts energy damage that matches her chosen elemental bloodline type’s energy type and fails to harm the barbarian, she gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to half the spell’s level. Starting at 6th tier, if the negated spell is mythic, the bonus increases to +2.

sabato 5 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 2

Bloody Bite to Crippling Blow.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Bloody Bite: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the bleed damage she deals to an opponent. Stopping this bleed damage requires a Heal check with a DC equal to 15 + ½ the barbarian’s tier. Any magical healing ends the bleed damage normally.

Mythic Bloody Fist: The barbarian can use this power twice per rage at 4th tier, then 3 times per rage at 7th tier and 4 times per rage at 10th tier.

Mythic Boar’s Charge: The barbarian can expend one use of mythic power to automatically confirm a critical hit when using this rage power.

Mythic Boasting Taunt: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to her Intimidate check. By expending one use of mythic power, she can cause a target to be frightened rather than shaken as long as the barbarian is visible and raging.

Mythic Body Bludgeon: The barbarian can use a creature one size smaller than her as a one-handed bludgeon weapon, or a creature two sizes smaller than her as a light bludgeon weapon. A creature of  the same size as the barbarian is treated as a two-handed bludgeon weapon. This allows the barbarian to use two creatures at a time as weapons in combat, using the rules for two-weapon fighting.

Mythic Brawler: While raging, the barbarian is treated now as if she has the Mythic Improved Unarmed Strike feat.

Mythic Breathtaker: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of breath rounds her opponent loses with a successful melee attack.

Mythic Celestial Blood: While raging, the barbarian gains a +2 bonus to saves against poison.

Mythic Celestial Totem: This power functions now as mythic daylight and mythic invisibility purge.

Mythic Chaos Totem: The barbarian doubles the bonuses gained from this power.

Mythic Cult Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of attacks of opportunity gained through this power. These attacks need not be made against the same creature. A creature can be the target of this power more than once in the same 24 hours.

Mythic Come and Get Me: Enemies don’t gain a bonus on attack and damage against the barbarian when she uses this power.

Mythic Contagious Rage: The power’s range increases to 60 ft., and nearby plants creatures are affected too.

Mythic Crippling Blow: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of ability damage points her opponent takes. A non-mythic target is not allowed a saving throw against this power.