sabato 17 agosto 2024

Warpriest Unified Tradition for Champions of the Spheres

This is the last unified tradition I wrote! Next time, for something completely different!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!


Warpriests are the devoted crusaders and guardians of their churches, not necessarily bound to the same righteous code of paladins.

Magic Type: Divine

Casting Ability Modifier: Wisdom

Bonus Combat Talents:

Equipment: Armor Training, Knightly Training, Shield Training.

Variable: Warpriests gain either the Duelist sphere or the Shield sphere.

Bonus Magic Talents: Fate sphere, one among the Destruction, Nature, or Protection sphere

Drawbacks: Focus Casting, Prepared Caster, Verbal Casting; Aligned Combatant (Destruction), Aligned Protection (Protection)

Boon: +1 spell point per odd level in casting classes. 

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