mercoledì 26 giugno 2024

Investigator Unified Tradition for Champions/Legends of the Spheres

For this, I used my own investigator casting tradition that previously appeared on the blog.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!


Investigators use alchemical formulae and roguish abilities to solve the mysteries of this world.

Magic Type: Arcane

Casting Ability Modifier: Intelligence

Bonus Combat Talents:

Equipment: Rogue Weapon Training

Alchemy sphere (formulae package)

Scout sphere

Variable: Investigators gain one additional talent of their choice from the Alchemy, Equipment, or Scout sphere.

Bonus Magic Talents: Divination sphere, either Creation or Mind sphere.

Drawbacks: Material Casting, Prepared Casting, Skilled Casting (Craft/Alchemy).

Boon: +1 spell point per level gained in casting classes.

Bonus Skill Talents:

Automatic Trade Talents: False Mage, Philosopher

Trade Talent Class Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (arcana), KnowledgeR (history), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (religion), Sense MotiveR, Sleight of Hand, Use Magic DeviceR.

Automatic Skill Sphere: Investigation sphere.

Adroit Trade Talents: Archaeologist, Interlocutor

Trade Talent Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Linguistics, Spellcraft.
R Disable Device in place of redundant Knowledge (history), Intimidate in place of redundant Sense Motive, Stealth in place of redundant Use Magic Device.

Adroit Bonus Skill Talents: Study sphere or the Investigation sphere (Determine Defenses talent).

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