sabato 8 giugno 2024

Alchemist Unified Tradition for Champions/Legends of the Spheres

I am combining some pieces already appeared on the blog with the casting traditions for Pathfinder 1E classes already created for Spheres of Power.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!


Alchemists create magical effects by brewing extracts and potions.

Magic Type: Arcane

Casting Ability Modifier: Intelligence

Bonus Combat Talents:

Alchemy sphere (formulae and poison package)

Barroom sphere

Variable: Alchemists gain one additional talent of their choice from the Equipment, Barroom, or Alchemy sphere.

Bonus Magic Talents: Enhancement Sphere, either Alteration or Creation Sphere.

Drawbacks: Extended Casting x2, Material Casting; Transformative Brew (Alteration), Humors (Blood), Meld Into Dark and Shadowed Brew (Dark), Necromantic Concoction (Death), Shape Focus (Energy Bomb) (Destruction), Divining Concoction (Divination), Special Delivery (Enhancement), Cursed Brew and Tongue Of Ages (Fate), Glamered Brew and Obscura Mage (Illusion), Medicinal (Life), Glowing Brew (Light), Addling Brew (Mind), Holistic Brew and Limited Nature x2 (Nature), Limited Protection (aegis) and Protective Brew (Protection), Temporal Brew (Time), Warping Brew (Warp), Atmospheric Brew and Localized Weather (Weather).

Boon: +1 spell point per level gained in casting classes.

Bonus Skill Talents:

Automatic Trade Talents: Apothecary, Artisan.

Trade Talent Class Skills: Disable Device, Disguise, Heal, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (nature), Sleight of Hand, Use Magic Device.

Automatic Skill Sphere: Herbalism sphere.

Adroit Trade Talents: Artificer, Sky Pilot.

Trade Talent Class Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise, Fly, Knowledge (geography), Spellcraft, Survival.

* Increased class skill bonus to Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering) checks.

Adroit Bonus Skill Talents: Artifice sphere or the Herbalism sphere (Pre-emptive Preparation talent).

* In place of the bonus combat talents here, an alchemist can select those of the Chemist martial tradition from Spheres of Might.

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