…And inquisitors are divine jack-of-all-trades.
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Inquisitors lurk in shadows to do their gods’ work, and don’t hesitate to use roguish ways.
Magic Type: Divine
Casting Ability Modifier: Wisdom
Bonus Combat Talents:
Equipment: Finesse Fighting, Rogue Weapon Training
Scout Sphere
Variable: Inquisitors gain either the Duelist or Fencing sphere.
Bonus Magic Talents: Divination sphere, Fate sphere
Drawbacks: Focus Casting, Verbal Casting
Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes.
Bonus Skill Talents:
Automatic Trade Talents: Aberration Hunter, Priest
Trade Talent Class Skills: Heal, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), Sense Motive, SpellcraftR, Stealth
R Sense Motive in place of redundant Spellcraft
Automatic Skill Sphere: Investigation sphere
Adroit Trade Talents: Mage Hunter, Orator
Trade Talent Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history)
R Survival in place of redundant Spellcraft
Adroit Bonus Skill Talents: Bluster sphere, Study sphere, or the Investigation sphere (any one [analyze] talent)
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