sabato 15 giugno 2024

Bard Unified Tradition for Champions/Legends of the Spheres

This is the most “do-it-yourself” tradition I have made, but that seems fit for bards.

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Bards are versatile entertainers and jack-of-all-trades.

Magic Type: Arcane

Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma

Bonus Combat Talents:

Equipment: Dancer Training, Finesse Fighting

Scout sphere

Variable: Bards gain one among the Fencing sphere, Dual Wielding sphere (Dancer drawback), or the Unarmored Training talent from the Equipment sphere.

Bonus Magic Talents: Divination sphere, either the Fallen Fey or Mind sphere.

Drawbacks: Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting

Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels gained in casting classes.

Bonus Skill Talents:

Automatic Trade Talents: Dilettante, Diplomat

Trade Talent Class Skills: Acrobatics, Diplomacy*, Knowledge (arcana), KnowledgeR (local), LinguisticsR, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device.

RSpellcraft in place of redundant Linguistics.

Automatic Skill Sphere: Performance sphere (any package)

Adroit Trade Talents: Esoteric Scholar, Storyteller

Trade Talent Class Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility), Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion)

RHeal in place of redundant Knowledge (local), * increased class skill bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Adroit Bonus Skill Talents: Communication sphere or the Performance sphere (Suave Performer) talent.

* In place of the magic drawbacks and boons here, a bard can select those of the Bardic Magic or Song-Wielder casting traditions from Spheres of Power, or of the homebrew Ballerina tradition; in place of the bonus combat talents here, he can select those of the Courtesan of Dancer martial traditions from Spheres of Might; in place of the bonus skill talents here, he can select those of the Guild Artist trade tradition from Spheres of Guile.

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