mercoledì 16 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 7

Greater Ferocious Mount to Greater Suffocating Grip!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Greater Ferocious Mount: The barbarian’s mount shares the benefits of every rage power the barbarian has active at the moment.

Mythic Greater Ferocious Trample: The barbarian’s mount can trample creatures up to one size larger than the mount and gains a bonus equal to the barbarian’s tier on overrun maneuvers granted by the greater ferocious trample power.

Mythic Greater Fey Blood: This power now functions as mythic blur.

Mythic Greater Fiend Totem: The targets take an additional 1d6 of damage at mythic tier 1, and again at mythic tiers 4, 7, and 10. The targets are also frightened if they don’t succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + ½ the barbarian’s level + his Constitution modifier, including the bonus for being in a rage). If a target succeeds, they’re only shaken.

Mythic Greater Fire Totem: The smoke fills a 20-foot radius area and the barbarian can exclude a number of creatures equal to her mythic tier from the effects. 

Mythic Greater Ground Breaker: The barbarian can extend the range of the effect to 10 feet for every 2 mythic tier she possesses (minimum 10 feet).

Mythic Greater Guarded Life: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the number of damage points she can convert into nonlethal damage. This stacks with the mythic guarded life power.

Mythic Greater Hurling: The range increment doubles and the size of hurled objects increases by three categories. This stacks with mythic lesser hurling and mythic greater hurling.

Mythic Greater Infernal Blood: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to his bonus on saving throws against enchantments and fear effects.

Mythic Greater Moon Totem: While raging, the barbarian gains the see in darkness ability and treats a creature with total concealment as not having concealment at all.

Mythic Greater Psychopomp Totem: The barbarian can detect undead creatures even when not raging.

Mythic Greater Spire Totem: The morale bonus granted by this power doubles. When attempting a Will save against a fear effect, all allies within the area can use the higher result rolled among them.

Mythic Greater Spirit Totem: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the damage dealt through this power.

Mythic Greater Suffocating Grip: The grappled opponent becomes unconscious and dying in the first round of suffocation, and dies in the second round.

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