domenica 13 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 6

 Greater Brawler to Greater Ferocious Beast!

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Mythic Greater Brawler: While raging, the barbarian is treated now as if she had the Mythic Two-Weapon Fighting feat when making unarmed strike attacks.

Mythic Greater Celestial Blood: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of times per rage she can use this power.

Mythic Greater Celestial Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to her spell resistance and save bonus.

Mythic Greater Chaos Totem: The barbarian adds her mythic level to the DR gained through this power. Her weapons and natural weapons are considered both chaotic and magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Mythic Greater Cult Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of rounds she remains conscious and raging while using this power.

Mythic Greater Daemon Totem: The barbarian doubles the number of hit points healed or temporary hit points gained through this power. Temporary hit points stack for killing multiple creatures.

Mythic Greater Draconic Blood: The barbarian can use this power twice per day at mythic tier 5, and three times per day at mythic tier 10.

Mythic Greater Earth Totem: A manufactured weapon hitting the barbarian must succeed an object Fort saving throw (DC = 10 + ½ the barbarian’s level + her Constitution modifier, including the bonus for being in a rage) or be destroyed.

Mythic Greater Eclipsing Rage: This power’s range doubles, and the level of light can decrease by four steps and be decreased below normal darkness.

Mythic Greater Elemental Blood: The barbarian gains the fleet charge champion’s strike, and can apply it to any movement type she possesses.

Mythic Greater Elemental Rage: The barbarian can apply elemental rage and greater elemental rage also to attacks made with ranged weapons while raging. As a free action when scoring a critical hit, the barbarian can expend one use of mythic power to create an explosion of elemental energy that deals the same additional elemental damage to any creatures adjacent to the target.

Mythic Greater Energy Resistance: While raging, the barbarian is immune to her chosen element.

Mythic Greater Erratic Charge: The barbarian can move 5 additional feet for every tier she possesses before starting a charge, and this movement doesn’t reduce the maximum distance of the charge.

Mythic Greater Ferocious Beast: The barbarian’s animal companion shares the benefits of every rage power the barbarian has active at the moment.

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