domenica 6 ottobre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 3

 Daemon Totem to Elemental Blood!

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Mythic Daemon Totem: After the effect of the daemon totem power expires, a target must attempt saving throws as normal to remove the temporary negative levels gained.

Mythic Deadly Accuracy: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to her surprise accuracy bonus when confirming a critical. This stacks with the bonus granted by the non-mythic deadly accuracy rage power.

Mythic Deathless Frenzy: The barbarian can ignore the effects of being at 0 hit points or less for a number of rounds equal to 1 + her mythic tier before suffering consequences.

Mythic Disemboweling Tusk: The barbarian deals 1d4 Strength and Constitution damage in addition to the normal damage for a critical gore attack.

Mythic Disruptive: While raging, the barbarian gains Mythic Disruptive as a bonus mythic feat.

Mythic Dissipating Rage: This power’s range increases to 30 ft. around the barbarian, and she can exclude herself and a number of additional creatures equal to her mythic tier from the effect.

Mythic Draconic Blood: While raging, the barbarian gains a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis and sleep.

Mythic Dragon Totem: The barbarian doubles the bonuses gained from this power and other dragon totem rage powers.

Mythic Dragon Totem Resilience: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the energy resistance granted by this power.

Mythic Dragon Totem Wings: The barbarian can always use this power as an immediate action at no cost, and doesn’t expend extra rounds of rage while flying.

Mythic Earth Totem: The barbarian gains the earth glide universal monster ability. She can earth glide at her same burrow speed.

Mythic Eater of Magic: The barbarian adds her mythic tier as a bonus on the rerolled saving throw against a magic effect, and to the temporary hit points she gains through this power.

Mythic Eclipsing Rage: This power’s range doubles, and the level of light can decrease by two steps and be decreased below normal darkness.

Mythic Elemental Blood: Whenever the barbarian is affected by a spell with a caster level equal to or greater than the her class level -2, and that spell inflicts energy damage that matches her chosen elemental bloodline type’s energy type and fails to harm the barbarian, she gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to half the spell’s level. Starting at 6th tier, if the negated spell is mythic, the bonus increases to +2.

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