
mercoledì 16 maggio 2018

Variant Multiclassing: Psychic

I don't like very much the Psychic Adept and Psychic Disciple feats from Occult Adventures. Back in the 2E times, I greatly appreciated the psionic wild talents system, that gave to every character the chance to use some innate power. In Pathfinder psionic powers became psychic spells, and this feat chain is the logical translation of that mechanic. Only it requires a heavy feat tax to pay for a much lesser power, and doesn't allow me to recreate my barbarian telepath character that I liked a lot.
Variant Multiclassing seems much more yummy, but there's not yet a RAW or 3PP rule for variant multiclass psychics: just some fan-made attempts. I made one myself some time ago on the Paizo boards, but the result didn't satisfy me much. Oh, well. Let's try again.


A character that chooses psychic as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features .

Discipline: At 1st level, she chooses a psychic discipline . For all her discipline powers, she treats her character level as her effective psychic level.

Discipline Power: At 3rd level, she gains the 1st-level powers of her chosen discipline.

Improved Discipline Power: At 7th level, she gains the 5th-level powers of her chosen discipline.

Telepathic Bond: At 11th level, she can use telepathic bond as a psychic of her character level.

Knack: At 15th level, if she has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, she chooses a psychic knack and can cast it as a spell-like ability at will. She uses her character level as the caster level and Intelligence as the knack's key ability score .

Greater Discipline Power: At 19th level, she gains the 13th-level power of her chosen discipline .

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