
sabato 19 maggio 2018

CG Paladin Codes

There has been a bright debate for quite some days now on the Paizo boards on how the code for a Chaotic Good paladin should be. As a Chaotic Good person myself, I am enjoying giving my contribute.
Of course, there are inevitable long discussions about the necessity and possibility of non-LG paladins. I won't summarize all the different points of view here, but it's enough to say that I am all for it!
I tried some times to create a class or archetype for paladins of other alignment myself. My latest attempts are the NG Defender and the CG Liberator from Misfit Studios' The Book of Passion.
I like very much how the generic code for a CG paladin is taking shape on the boards, but I am also more and more convinced that a proper paladin code should be "Any Good", and then add more lawful, chaotic, or neutral tenets depending on the specific god the paladin reveres. In effect, I have found that NG gods' tenets, in Pathfinder, can easily be followed both by Lawful and Chaotic paladins (LG deities sometimes stress too much obedience and community). On the other hand, the antipaladin tenets of CN deities could NOT EVER be followed by a CG hero, and this is another proof that a paladin is Good before being anything else. I daresay that paladins should be Any Good and antipaladins Any Evil, and that neutral deities should choose if they have Paladins or Antipaladins, but not both.
What, however, should be the codes to follow for CG Paladins that revere CG deities? I tried to create some! What do you think?

Cayden Cailean's Paladin Code
  • Everyone should be free. I break the bonds of prisoners and buy or claim by force slaves' freedom, except when they are best left in prison or servitude than free to harm others.
  • I enjoy a good drink and share stories of my deeds with others at the tavern. I ensure that drunks don't destroy or harm anything or anyone. Drinking should bring happiness, never death or pain.
  • I don't tolerate evil, but I can try to best and humiliate an evil creature in a fun challenge rather than overtly fight it. I also can try to solve troubles before a glass of beer. After all, the best friendships are born between drinking buddies.
  • I don't back off if there's a fight to do, but it's better to solve differences without bloodshed if possible.
  • I try to inspire hope and courage in my allies and in all good fellows I meet. If everyone fights evil together and with a good heart, everything can be accomplished.
  • Retreating is not a dishonor when I know I can't win and innocents are not in danger. If I live, I can fight another day.

Desna's Paladin Code
  • I trust dreams, feelings, and premonition. Through them, Lady Luck speaks. I trust my own forebodings above external warnings.
  • I will travel the world in search of adventures and wrongs to fix. There are much more creatures needing my help than I could find if I stay in one place. I sleep under the cover of stars whenever I can.
  • I defend everyone's right to have and fulfill their dreams. Unjust impositions will find me ready to fight, with my words or my blade.
  • When I have not a specific destination in my travels, I entrust myself to the guide of Fate. Luck will guide my path and bring me where I am needed.
  • I am relentless in hunting and destroying evil creatures. I will prevent fiends and aberrations to invade the dreams and crush the hope of innocents. I will purify the beauty of the night from unrighteous menaces.
  • I protect beautiful flying creatures. Their grace inspires dreams of good and glory.
  • I benefit the poor and needing in every way I can. I am the hand of Luck sent to change their lives. If the rich won't share their luck with others, I will took on myself to balance things.

 Milani's Paladin Code
  • I will fight to death for my own and the others' freedom. I will gladly sacrifice myself in battle to allow my allies or innocents to live and flee.
  • I don't tolerate oppression and slavery. If openly opposing to tyrants is too dangerous for innocents, I will spread ideas of freedom among people and organize covert activities to subvert the oppressors' rule.
  • I will help anyone who tries to escape from an unjust tyranny, with any necessary means that don't imply evil acts. Subterfuge and stealth is not a dishonor.
  • I am a beacon of hope. I won't allow myself or those I help to be prey of despair, even at desperate odds.
  • I never lose my faith. There's always another way. There's always a better way. There can always be a better tomorrow. I never tire of searching it.
  • I keep ready for battle. In times of peace, I teach others how to fight for themselves. In times of war, I fight on the oppressed's part.

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