
domenica 13 maggio 2018

New Hunter archetype: Meistersinger

This is a hybrid archetype that already appeared on the Paizo boards. Someone asked for a character who had both performance and an animal companion, so...

Meistersinger (Hunter Archetype):
A meistersinger is an animal charmer, living often isolated in the wilderness with her animal companion. She sings her melodies for animals alone and raises a beast army to battle when her home is threatened.
Class Skills: A meistersinger adds Perform (sing, string, or wind) to her list of class skills in place of Knowledge (dungeoneering). This modifies the hunter’s class skills.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The meistersinger is not proficient with medium armor.
Spells: A meistersinger uses Charisma rather than Wisdom for the purpose of determining her concentration bonus, spell effects, spells per day and saving throw DC.
Wild Performance: At 3rd level, a meistersinger gains the ability to deliver a select number of supernatural and spell-like performances. This ability is similar in all respects to bardic performance as used by a bard of the meistersinger’s level -2 (including interactions with feats, spells, and prestige classes), using Perform (sing, string or wind) as the meistersinger’s performance skill. However, a meistersinger’s performance has only effect on animals. The meistersinger gains the following types of bardic performance: fascinate and inspire courage at 3rd level; inspire competence at 5th level; suggestion at 8th level; inspire greatness at 11th level; soothing performance at 14th level; inspire heroics at 17th level; and mass suggestion at 20th level. In addition, a meistersinger gains these bardic performances:
Attract Swarm: At 8th level, the meistersinger can use bardic performance to summon 1d3 swarms of Tiny animals; they remain as long as he continues performing. At 13th level, he summons 2d3 swarms instead of 1d3 and the swarms have the advanced creature simple template. At 19th level, the number of swarms he summons increases to 3d3.
Attract Pack: At 16th level, the meistersinger can use bardic performance to summon a horde of animals for a total of hit dice equal to her level –6. The summon lasts as long as the performance continues; otherwise, this ability functions as summon nature’s ally VII.
This replaces hunter tactics, teamwork feats, and bonus tricks.

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