
sabato 12 maggio 2018

Incarnate favored class bonuses

Racial Favored Class Options
I suppose you all already know that I like very much the Incarnate hybrid class from Wayward Rogues Publishing. So much, in fact, that I created a new option for that class in Pathways #73. Still, I''m not tired yet of showing love to that class. So, since my lady dwarf friend would seriously love to play one of these, I told myself: Why in the world shouldn't she be able to choose a personalized favored class bonus?

Incarnate Favored Class Bonuses
Aasimar: Add +¼ to the damage inflicted to undead or evil outsiders while soulraging.
Dhampir: Add ½ to the incarnate's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation power of the bones mystery.
Dwarf: Increase the incarnate’s total number of soulrage rounds per day by 1.
Elf: Add 1 foot to the incarnate’s base speed. In combat, this only has an effect for every five increases in base speed. This bonus stacks with the incarnate’s fast movement class feature, and applies under the same conditions and that feature.
Gnome: Add +1/6 to to the incarnate's level for the purpose of determining the effects of the incarnate's curse ability.
Half–Elf: Add +½ to the incarnate's Perception score.
Halfling: Add +1/6 to to the incarnate's level for the purpose of determining the effects of the incarnate's curse ability.
Half-Orc: Increase the incarnate’s total number of soulrage rounds per day by 1.
Human: Add ¼ to the incarnate’s effective class level when determining the power of her revelation powers.
Ifrit: Add ½ to the incarnate's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation power of the flame mystery.
Oread: Add ½ to the incarnate's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation power of the stone mystery.
Sylph: Add ½ to the incarnate's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation power of the wind mystery.
Tiefling: Add ½ to the incarnate's caster level when determining the damage inflicted by spells with the fire descriptor.
Undine: Add ½ to the incarnate's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation of the waves mystery.

And I think this will not be the end, guys...

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