
mercoledì 9 maggio 2018

Psychic archetype: Dream Disciple

Here’s another archetype of mine that hadn’t seen the daylight yet. To tell the truth, both this one and and the Kinetic Disciple Mentalist were attempts to create another character of my favorite manga, Cyborg 001. Then I decided for something else, but this is a story for next time.
In the meanwhile...

Dream Disciple (Psychic Archetype)
A dream disciple lives in the oneiric world more than in what ordinary people call “reality”. Past, future, distance and possibilities have a much different meaning for her. Immersing herself in the Dimensions of Dreams, she gains knowledge and insight potentially infinite.
Spells: A dream disciple adds all spells with “dream” or “dreams” in their name to her psychic spells list (but not to her known spell list). This replaces the phrenic amplification gained at 1st level.
Lucid Dreamer (Ex): At 3rd level, a dream disciple gains Lucid DreamerOA as a bonus feat. She needs not to meet the feat’s prerequisites. This replaces the 3rd-level phrenic amplification.
Truth in Dreams (Su): At 5th level, once per day a dream disciple can enter an oneiric trance to learn the answer to an important question. For every 10 minutes of uninterrupted sleep, the dream disciple automatically succeeds at one Knowledge check rolled in the 24 hours after she awakes. At 12th level, this ability can instead function as legend lore, except that the dream disciple must spend the whole casting time sleeping, and the informations gained are always clear and accurate as if she had the person or thing she is investigating about at hand. This replaces the 5th-level discipline power.
Bewitching Dreams (Su): At 11th level, a dream disciple can choose to gain the NightmaresAPG or Speak in DreamsUM witch hexes in place of a phrenic amplification.
Oneiric Protection (Sp): At 20th level, a dream disciple is affected by dream shield as a constant spell-like ability. This modifies and otherwise functions as remade self.

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