domenica 12 gennaio 2025

New Subdomain: Hearth

For followers of Hestia.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Hearth Subdomain

Associated Domains: Community, Fire

Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the calming touch power of the Community domain or the fire bolt power of the Fire domain.

Sacred Fire Circle (Su): As a standard action, you can create a 5-foot-radius circle of flames. The flames deal 1d4 points of damage to every creature crossing them without your permission; a successful Fort save (DC = 10 + ½ your cleric level + your Wisdom bonus) negates this damage. You can grant safe passage through the flames to a number of creatures equal to your cleric level. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom bonus. These rounds have not to be consecutive.

Replacement Domain Spells: 3nd- campfire wall, 5th- cleansing fire.

sabato 11 gennaio 2025

Greek/Roman Deities: Hestia/Vesta

Soon on The Bardess’ Library #4! Hestia’s cult is a reminiscence of prehistoric ages when humans still didn’t learn to light up a fire, and so women had to constantly guard the flame and keep it alight. There are similar cults in a number of ancient civilities all around the world.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Hestia/Vesta (LG)

Favored Weapon: light mace

Symbol: brazier

Sacred Animal: donkey

Sacred Color: red

Domains: Community, Fire, Good, Law, Protection

Subdomains: Archon, Family, Home, Loyalty, Purity, Smoke

Inquisitions: Conversion, Fervor

Mysteries/Spirits: Ancestor, Flame

Witch Patron: Boundaries, Devotion, Endurance

Variant Channeling: Cities, Fire, Protection

Clergy: clerics (Angelfire Apostle archetype), inquisitors, oracles, shamans, sorcerers (elemental fire bloodline), witches. All priests of Hestia are women.

Spells: control flames (all clergy members can prepare/learn it as a cantrip), healing flames (witches can prepare it as a 4th-level spell), cleansing fire (clerics and oracles can prepare/learn it as a 4th-level spell; inquisitors and witches can prepare/learn it as a 5th-level spell), control fire (all clergy members can prepare/learn it as a 5th-level spell).

mercoledì 8 gennaio 2025

New Weapon: Bident

The bident (like a trident but with just two prongs) is Hades’ iconic weapon and deserved stats of its own for Pathfinder.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!



Cost 12 gp Weight 4 lbs.

Damage 1d6 (small), 1d8 (medium); Critical x2; Range 10 ft.; Type P; Special brace, disarm

Category One-Handed; Proficiency Martial

Weapon Groups Spears; Thrown

Martial Weapons

One-Handed Melee Weapons


Dmg (S)

Dmg (M)







12 gp




10 ft.

4 lbs.


brace, disarm

A bident is like a trident but with only two curved prongs at the end, that can be used to catch an opponent’s weapon. Like the trident, it was originally an agricultural tool.

lunedì 6 gennaio 2025

Greek/Roman Deities: Hades/Pluto

Slightly late, the stats for Persephone’s husband, soon on The Bardess’ Library #4!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Hades/Pluto (LN)

Favored Weapon: bident

Sacred Animal: dog

Symbol: black helm

Sacred Color: black

Domains: Darkness, Death, Earth, Law, Repose

Subdomains: Caves, Judgment, Loss, Metal, Psychopomp, Souls

Druidic Domains: Cave

Inquisitions: Clandestine, Conversion, Damnation, Final Rest, Imprisonment, Oblivion, Order, Secrets, True Death

Mysteries/Spirits: Ancestor, Bones, Reaper

Witch Patron: Ancestors, Death, Devotion, Shadow

Variant Channeling: Death, Earth, Rulership, Secrets

Clergy: clerics, inquisitors, mediums, oracles, shamans, spiritualists, warpriests, witches

Spells: Hades doesn’t like the idea of undead. The dead should stay where they are put and not break the laws of the Underworld. Clerics of Hades with the Death domain replace animate dead with halt undead, create undead with undeath to death, and create greater undead with symbol of death as domain spells. Clerics of Hades with the Souls subdomain replace animate dead with speak with dead as a domain spell.

sabato 4 gennaio 2025

New Subdomain: Flowers

This is not the right season for a subdomain like this, maybe, but since Persephone is a goddess of seasons, let’s revel in thinking of her return to the surface of earth in spring. The flowers hurricane spell will appear this month in The Bardess’ Library #4, along with the subdomain itself.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Flowers Subdomain

Associated Domain: Plant.

Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the wooden fist power of the Plant domain.

Pollen Cloud (Sp): As a standard action, you can blow a cloud of scented pollen at a creature within 30 ft. The target must make a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier); if it fails, it is fascinated for 1d4 rounds. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Replacement Domain Spells: 3rd- ward of the season (spring), 4th- flowers hurricane.

mercoledì 1 gennaio 2025

Happy New Year to My Patrons!

A new year has begun, and many things changed in the last period. I hope to continue entertaining you with this blog, my Patreon, and my new magazine, The Bardess’ Library, for the next 365 days.

Thanks to my Supporter patrons, old and new:


-Christen Sowards

-Ecaeka Ecaicio


-S L Hall

And tomorrow, there will be another piece of exclusive content on my Patreon page for you. Please enjoy it!

domenica 29 dicembre 2024

Greek/Roman Deities: Persephone/Proserpina

Soon on The Bardess’ Library #4! In these long nights at the end of the year, the cycle of seasons is waiting to begin anew, and Persephone is the embodiment of the seasons in Greek myth.

Persephone has two sets of stats not because her Roman version (Proserpina) was so different from the Greek one, but because of her double aspect. From the vernal to autumnal equinox she is Kore, Goddess of Spring, worshiped together with her mother Demeter; in autumn and winter, she goes to the Underworld to be the wife of Hades and Queen of the Dead.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Kore (the Maiden) (NG)

Favored Weapon: unarmed strike

Sacred Animal: doe

Symbol: Pomegranate

Sacred Color: green

Domains: [Fertility] Good, Healing, Plant, Sun, Weather

Subdomains: [Agathion] Angel, Day, [Flowers], Growth, [Nourishment] Restoration, Resurrection, Seasons [Spring]

Inquisitions: Conversion, Restoration

Mysteries/Spirits: Life, Nature [Spring]

Witch Patron: Devotion, Healing, Plant, Recovery, Spring

Variant Channeling: Nature

Clergy: clerics, oracles, shamans, witches

Spells: plant growth (all clergy members may prepare/learn it as a 3rd-level spell).

Persephone (the Bringer of Destruction) (N)

Favored Weapon: light mace

Sacred Animal: dog

Symbol: pomegranate

Sacred Color: black

Domains: Darkness, Earth, Magic, Nobility, Repose

Subdomains: Arcane, Aristocracy, Caves, Loss, Psychopomp, Souls

Apocryphal Subdomains: Hubris, Rites

Druidic Domains: Cave

Inquisitions: Conversion, Damnation, Fate, Final Rest, True Death

Mysteries/Spirits: Ancestor, Bones, Reaper

Witch Patron: Ancestors, Boundaries, Devotion, Spirits [Witchcraft]

Variant Channeling: Death, Magic

Clergy: clerics, inquisitors, mediums, oracles, shamans, spiritualists, witches

Spells: Speak with dead (all clergy members can prepare/learn it as a 3rd-level spell). Clerics of Persephone with the Souls subdomain replace animate dead with speak with dead as a domain spell.