
martedì 21 maggio 2024

New Mythic Bloodlines for Sorcerers, Part 6

Scorpion to Shapechanger!

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Mythic Scorpion Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer gains the swift poisoning ability of an alchemist.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poisons. At 9th level, she becomes immune to poison.

At 9th level, the sudden sting bloodline power allows the sorcerer to use the mythic versions of accelerate poison and delay poison.

At 15th level, the sorcerer gains the sand glide mythic universal monster ability and doubles the range of her tremorsense ability.

Mythic Serpentine Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer treats all creatures that have a mind and can be affected as humanoids who can understand her language for purposes of what mind-affecting and language-dependent spells can affect them.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer’s familiar is considered a mythic creature as per the mythic arcane bond (familiar) wizard mythic class feature.

Mythic Shadow Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer adds her mythic tier to the bonus on Stealth checks gained through the bloodline arcana.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains blindsense in a 30 ft. radius. At 9th level, this increases to 60 ft. If the sorcerer already possesses blindsense, its range is increased by these amounts.

Mythic Shaitan Bloodline

At 1st level, whenever the sorcerer casts a spell with the acid descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

At 3rd level, whenever the sorcerer is affected by a spell that deals acid damage, and the spell has a caster level no lower than the sorcerer’s character level –2, if the spell does not successfully harm the sorcerer, she gains a +1 bonus to caster level for a number of rounds equal to half the spell’s level.

At mythic tier 6, if the spell is mythic and does not damage the sorcerer, the caster level bonus is +2.

Mythic Shapechanger Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer adds ½ her mythic level (minimum 1) to the caster level bonus gained from the bloodline arcana.

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