
domenica 19 maggio 2024

New Mythic Bloodlines for Sorcerers, Part 5

 Phoenix to Salamander!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Phoenix Bloodline

At 1st level, living creatures affected by the sorcerer’s fire spells regain a number of hit points equal to the fire damage the spell would normally deal.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains resistance 5 to fire. This increases to 10 at 9th level.

Mythic Possessed Bloodline

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains blindsense in a 30 ft. radius. At 9th level, she gains blindsight in a 30 ft. radius and increases her darkvision and blindsense radius by 30 ft.

At 9th level, the sorcerer doesn’t take any more penalties on skill checks when using the inside agent bloodline power.

Mythic Protean Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to her save DC bonus for transmutation or conjuration (creation) spells she casts.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains resist electricity and sonic equal to ½ her mythic tier (minimum resist 1).

Mythic Psychic Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer gains Intuitive Spell or Logical Spell (her choice) as a bonus feat.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains a +2 bonus to saves against polymorph spells. This increases to +4 at 9th level.

At 9th level, when the sorcerer gains the higher-level version of a spell that can be undercast, she retains its lower-level version in her known spell list too.

At 15th level, the sorcerer’s thoughtsense ability increases its range to 60 ft.

Mythic Rakshasa Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer adds ½ her mythic level (minimum 1) to the Spellcraft DC to identify spells she casts.

At 9th level, the sorcerer’s hide aura power functions as mythic nondetection.

At 15th level, the sorcerer’s alter self ability functions as polymorph.

Mythic Salamander Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer adds ½ her mythic level (minimum 1) to the bonus on save DCs gained from the bloodline arcana.

At 3rd level, when casting a spell that enhances a weapon, the sorcerer can also give that weapon the flaming burst special ability for the spell’s duration. (This has no effect if the weapon already has the flaming burst special ability).

At 15th level, when using her searing heat bloodline power, the sorcerer deals double damage.

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