
domenica 21 novembre 2021

Killit, Halfling Opportunist

 It took a long long time, but here’s the last hero from my novels in her vanilla P1 version! This girl picks your pockets as unnoticed as she can be, throws her daggers like a sun its rays, and climbs giants like lightning to stab them in the back. Plus, the divine fighting technique she employs!

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Killit, Halfling Opportunist

Killit Aurabuca, Sunflower

Halfling opportunist 5/unchained rogue (Vexing Dodger) 7/swashbuckler 7 (Flying Blade)/trickster 7

Female CG Small humanoid (halfling)

Initiative +14; Senses Perception +17


AC 30,  touch 23, flat–footed 23 (+7 armor, +5 deflection, +5 Dex, +2 nimble, +1 size).

Fort +16, Ref +28, Will +17. +4 racial bonus vs. fear (fearless, courageous resolve), +3 racial bonus (exceptionally lucky), +1 luck bonus (stone of good luck)

hp 141 (12d8 + 7d10 + 19 + 28)

Defensive Abilities charmed life 4/day, evasion, exceptionally lucky +3, fearless, force of will, halfling luck, hard to kill, limb-climber -4, mythic saves, nimble +2, recuperation, underfoot trickster; SR 19 (magic armor)


Speed 30 ft. (with magic boots)

Melee +4 glorious dagger +26/+21/+16 (1d3+11, 19–20), +3 greater flamboyant dagger +25/+20/+15 (1d3+10, 19–20), mwk shortsword +22/+17/+12 (1d4, 19–20)

Ranged +4 glorious dagger +26/+21/+16 (1d3+11, 19–20), +3 greater flamboyant dagger +25/+20/+15 (1d3+10, 19–20), +3 distance sling +24/+19/+14 (1d3)

Special Attacks +3 on critical hit confirmation rolls with daggers (halfling rogue favored class option), debilitating injury, deeds (derring–do, disrupting counter, opportune parry and riposte, precise strike +7, precise throw, subtle throw, superior feint, swashbuckler’s grace, swashbuckler’s initiative, targeted throw), exploitive maneuver, mythic power 17/day, opportunity attacker, sneak attack +6d6, surge +1d10

Spell–Like Abilities (CL 19th, concentration +24)

At will (spending mythic power)– faerie fire, heat metal (DC 17), daylight, fire shield, flame strike (DC 20), fire seeds (DC 21), sunbeam (DC 22)

1/day- commune


Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 24

Base Atk +15; CMB +14 (+16/+22 with dirty trick, +22 with steal); CMD 37 (40 vs. dirty trick, 48 vs. steal)

Traits Helpful, Inspiring

Feats AcrobaticM, Blinding Flash (DC 24), Combat Expertise (+4/–4), Courageous Resolve, Defensive Combat TrainingM, Divine Fighting Technique* (Eliun’s Light Dagger– initial benefit), Greater Steal, Improved Dirty Trick*, Improved Steal*M, Lucky Halfling, Nimble Moves*, Quick DrawM, Throw AnythingM, Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus (dagger), Weapon Specialization* (dagger)

Skills Acrobatics +35/+37/+40, Bluff +29, Climb +29/+31, Disable Device +15, Escape Artist +20/+22, Knowledge (local) +11, Perception +17, Sleight of Hand +32/+35, Stealth +27/+32

Languages Common, Dwarven, Halfling

SQ amazing initiative +7, excellent aid +3, fit in, finesse training (dagger), flying blade training +1, improved trap spotter, keen senses, panache (5 points), path abilities (aim for the eye, combat trickery, faster than the eye –7, fickle attack, mortal herald [Sun/Light], path dabbling [fistful of daggers], perfect pickpocket +3), rogue’s edge (Acrobatics), rogue talents (combat swipe, combat trick, trap spotter), sure–footed, swashbuckler finesse, trap spotter, trickster attack (deadly throw +7), underfoot agility +2, weapon familiarity

Gear +4 glorious dagger (72,302 gp), +3 greater flamboyant dagger (72,302 gp), +3 distance sling (32,300 gp), 20 sling bullets (1 sp), 10 halfling little starstones (5 cp), 10 halfling sharpstones (1 gp), 10 halfling softstones (1 sp), 10 halfling spongestones (10 gp), 2 smoke bullets (200 gp), mwk short sword (310 gp), +5 spell resistance +19 leather armor (100,160 gp), amulet of hidden light (9,000 gp), bag of tricks (rust, 8,500 gp), bracelet of good luck charms (16,000 gp), cloak of quick reflexes +5/+6 (37,500 gp), headband of alluring charisma +4 (16,000 gp), gem of brightness (13,000 gp), gloves of swimming and climbing (6,250 gp), manual of bodily health +2 (55,000 gp), ring of invisibility (20,000 gp), ring of protection +5 (50,000 gp), robe of useful items (7,000 gp), rogue’s kit (50 gp), security belt (12,500 gp), seven–league boots (80,000 gp), silent blade vest (4,300 gp), staff of illumination (51,500 gp), stone of good luck (20,000 gp), 814 gp, 7 sp and 95 cp in coins.

Eliun’s Light Dagger (Divine Fighting Technique)

The Lightgiver favores warriors who use his gifts to win without violence.

Optional Replacement: A chaotic good magus, swashbuckler or wizard who worships Eliun can replace proficiency with shield/bucklers or a bonus feat with the following initial benefit.

Initial Benefit: When fighting with two daggers, or a dagger and a shortsword, you are considered to have the Two–Weapon Fighting feat and don’t suffer any penalties on your attack rolls.

Advanced Prerequisites: Blinding Flash, Combat Expertise, Two–Weapon Focus (dagger), base attack bonus +10.

Optional Replacement: A chaotic good magus, swashbuckler or wizard who worships Eliun can replace a magus arcana or a bonus feat with the following advanced benefit, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Benefit: When fighting with two daggers, you can use Blinding Flash to cause 1d6 points of fire damage for every 4 character level you possess to a single opponent who fails its saving throw. Even if the target succeeds, it is still dazzled for 1d6 rounds.

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