
mercoledì 24 novembre 2021

Eolhwyn, Champion Warpriest

 Another newly-statted secondary character from my novel (they are twins, actually).

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Eolhwyn Hrimnott, Autumn Twilight

Half-elf warpriest 1 (Bastion of Conviction, Devoted Disciple, Sphere Warpriest)

LN Medium humanoid (elf, human)

Init +1; Senses low-light vision, Perception +6

Aura Lawful good


AC 18, touch 11,  flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)

hp 10 (1d8+2)

Fort +4, Ref +1, Wis +5. +2 vs. enchantment spells and effect

Immune sleep


Speed 30 ft.

Melee longsword +2 (1d8+1, 19-20), shield bash +1 (1d4)

Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6, x3)

Special Attacks axiomatic strike (minor blessing), sacred weapon (1d6)


Caster Level 1 (2 with Fate, Life, and Protection spheres); MSB +1, MSD 12, Concentration +4
Tradition Guardian (Drawbacks: Focus Casting, Prepared Caster, Verbal Casting; Aligned Combatant (Destruction), Aligned Protection (Protection); Boon: +1 spell point per odd level in casting classes); CAM Wis
Spell Points 5

Fate Sphere - DC 14; Duration Concentration or 1 min/level; Range Consecration (20 ft.), Word (25 ft.); Talents none; Drawbacks none

- Consecration (Serendipity)

- Word (Hallow)

Life Sphere - DC 13; Duration None; Range Touch; Talents none; Drawbacks none

- Cure (1d8+1)

- Invigorate

- Restore

Protection Sphere - DC 13; Duration Aegis (1 Hour), Ward (Concentration; 1 Round); Range Aegis (Touch), Ward (Up to 15 ft); Talents Guardian, Healing Aegis; Drawbacks Aligned Protection
- Aegis (Deflection)
- Ward (Barrier, Guardian)

- Succor (Healing Aegis)

Tradition Guardian (Equipment sphere: Armor Training, Knightly Training, Shield Training; Shield Sphere); PAM Wis
Equipment sphere - DC 13, Talents Armor Training, Knightly Training, Shield Training

- armor training (proficiency with medium and heavy armor)
- knightly training (discipline) (proficiency with the flail, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, heavy pick, light pick, lance, longsword, shortsword, and warhammer; proficiency with the bastard sword and estoc as two-handed martial weapons; only -1 penalty when performing a charge)

- shield training (discipline) (proficiency with all shields and shield bashes)

Shield sphere- DC 13, Talents none, Drawbacks none

- active defense (spend an attack of opportunity to increase shield bonus to AC by +2)


Str 13, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14

Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12

Traits Child of Two Peoples, Defender of the Faith

Feats Skill Focus* (Knowledge/religion), Sphere Focus (Fate), Weapon Focus* (longsword)

Skills Knowledge (religion) +7, Perception +6

Languages Common, Elven

SQ blessing (Law), militant extremist

Gear heavy steel shield (20 gp), 2 flasks of liquid life (40 gp), longsword (15 gp), scale mail (50 gp), shortbow (30 gp) with 20 arrows (1 gp), warpriest’s kit (16 gp), 3 gp

Special Abilities

Aura (Ex) A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see detect evil).

Blessings A devoted disciple only receives one blessing, not two. Whatever sphere is associated with his blessing (according to the same associations used by sphere clerics for their domains) the devoted disciple receives as a bonus magic talent at 1st level, or a bonus talent from that sphere if he possesses it already. He uses his class level as his caster level for this sphere. This stacks normally with other caster level sources.

This alters blessings.

Blessing: Law

Axiomatic Strike (minor): At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and enhance it with the essence of law. For 1 minute, this weapon glows blue, pale yellow, or white and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against chaotic creatures. During this time, it’s treated as lawful for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This additional damage doesn’t stack with the additional damage from the axiomatic weapon special ability.

Devotion At first level, a good sphere warpriest (or a neutral warpriest of a good deity) gains the Life sphere as a bonus sphere. An evil warpriest (or a neutral warpriest of an evil deity) gains the Death sphere as a bonus sphere instead. A neutral warpriest of a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether he channels positive or negative energy.

This replaces the warpriest’s ability to spontaneously cast ‘cure’ or ‘inflict’ spells.

Equipment: Armor Training You gain proficiency with light armor and medium armor. If you are already proficient with light armor, you instead gain proficiency with medium armor and heavy armor. You may take this talent up to two times.

Equipment: Knightly Training (discipline) You gain proficiency with the flail, greatsword, halberd, heavy flail, heavy pick, light pick, lance, longsword, shortsword, and warhammer, and may wield the bastard sword and estoc, but only as two-handed martial weapons. When performing a charge, you only suffer a -1 penalty to your AC rather than -2.

Equipment: Shield Training (discipline) You gain proficiency with all shields, including tower shields, and are proficient in all shield bashes. Associated Feat: Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency.

Fate Sphere You command cosmic forces including luck, destiny, and alignment. 

Fate: Word As a standard action, you may invoke a word of power, affecting a single creature within Close range.

Some (word) talents (especially Align Object and Subvert Weapon, allow you to target objects. These, and any other (word) effects affecting objects, have the same range as any other words and Echoing Word allows you to affect multiple objects with them, up to the same number as the number of creatures you could affect with other words.

When you gain the Fate sphere, you gain the following word:

Fate: Hallow (Word) You may spend a spell point to hallow a target for 1 minute per caster level. Choose an end of the alignment spectrum (good, evil, lawful, chaotic); you must choose an alignment that you possess. The target of this word gains a +1 sacred bonus (profane bonus if you are evil; if you are neither good nor evil you must choose whether you grant sacred or profane bonuses with this sphere) to attack rolls, AC, and saving throws made against targets of your opposed alignment (evil for good, lawful for chaotic, etc.). This bonus increases by 1 for every 10 caster levels possessed.

The target also gains immunity to any spell or sphere effect that possesses or exercises mental control over them (including enchantment [charm] effects and enchantment [compulsion] effects), so long as that effect originates from a creature who possesses your opposed alignment. If the target is already under the influence of such an effect, the target is allowed to make a new saving throw against the controlling effect. Success means the effect is suppressed for the duration of this word, but resumes when this word expires. This does not expel a controlling life force (such as a ghost or projected spirit), but it does prevent them from controlling the target.

Some Fate talents are marked (word). These talents grant you additional words.

Fate: Consecration As a standard action, you may affect a 20 ft radius centered on you with a consecration. This aura moves as you do. When you gain the Fate sphere, you gain the following consecration:

Fate: Serendipity (Consecration) You may bestow luck upon your allies. All allies within range gain a +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws. This bonus lasts as long as you concentrate. You may spend a spell point as a free action to allow this effect to continue for 1 round per caster level without concentration.

Fate talents marked (consecration) grant you additional consecrations.

Fate: Divine Force (consecration) You may fill an area with the influence of an alignment type you are connected to (good, evil, lawful, or chaotic). You must possess this alignment type. Creatures of that alignment’s opposite (good for evil, lawful for chaotic, etc.) within this area suffer one of the following detriments, chosen at random (Fortitude negates):

  1. blind 1 round

  2. deaf 2d4 rounds

  3. staggered 1d4 round

  4. sickened 1d4 round

  5. dazed 1 round

  6. shaken 1d4 round

As this power is cosmic in origin, it can affect undead, even though undead are usually immune to some of these conditions. If you are True Neutral, you may choose neutrality with this consecration, in which case all creatures at the extremes of the alignment spectrum (Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good, and Chaotic Evil) suffer the ill effects. This is an instantaneous effect.

Focus Casting Your magic requires you to use an item such as a wand, holy symbol, ring, or staff to create magic. The focus must be wielded or equipped to be used (for example, a wand must be held, a ring must be equipped in a ring slot, etc.) Using magic without your focus requires you to attempt a concentration check (DC 20 + ½ the caster level) to produce the desired effect. Failure means time (and any spell points) are spent, but no effect happens. If a focus is lost, stolen, or broken, the caster must create a new focus by securing the necessary item and spending 8 hours bonding with it. At the GM’s discretion, however, another caster’s focus may be used instead.

If you are carrying your focus when subject to a polymorph effect that would normally meld your equipment into your new form, your focus melds into your body as well, causing this drawback to function as the center of power drawback for the duration of the effect.

You may not select this drawback if you possess the Center Of Power or Galvanized drawbacks.

Focus Weapon At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon Focus as a bonus feat (he can choose any weapon, not just his deity’s favored weapon).

Life Sphere You wield the powers of life. All Life sphere effects are subject to spell resistance.

Life: Cure As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to touch a target and heal it an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + your caster level. To living creatures, this is a harmless positive energy effect, but it is harmful to undead and other creatures normally damaged by positive energy (Will half).

Life: Invigorate As a standard action, you may invigorate a touched creature, granting them temporary hit points equal to your caster level (minimum 1). Unlike normal temporary hit points, this ability can only be used on an injured target and cannot raise a target’s current hit points plus their temporary hit points to be higher than their total hit points. This benefit lasts for 1 hour (Will negates (harmless).

Life: Restore As a standard action, you may touch a target and spend a spell point to restore their health (Will negates (harmless)). When using restore, you must choose to restore mind, body, or soul. If affecting multiple targets, this choice becomes the same for all targets.

If restoring mind, this accomplishes all of the following:

  • Removes the dazzled condition.

  • Removes the shaken condition or lessens frightened to shaken, or panicked to frightened.

  • Removes the staggered condition.

If restoring body, this accomplishes all of the following:

  • Removes the battered condition. (See Spheres of Might.)

  • Removes the fatigued condition or lessens exhaustion to fatigued.

  • Removes the sickened condition or lessens nauseated to sickened.

If restoring soul, this:

  • Heals 1d4 points of ability damage to one ability score of your choice.

If the condition targeted is part of an on-going effect, restore instead suppresses the condition for a number of rounds equal to your caster level. This cannot be used to remove curses or instantaneous effects.

Militant Extremist A bastion of conviction counts his class levels as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats that have a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite.

Prepared Caster You must prepare your magic before you can use it. After resting to regain spell points, you must assign each of your spell points to a sphere you possess. You cannot spend more spell points in a given sphere in a day than you have assigned to that sphere. Class features and feats that use spell points (such as the Counterspell feat) are considered a single unified ‘sphere’ for this purpose.

Protection Sphere You are a user of the magics of preservation.

Aligned Protection Choose an end of the alignment spectrum that you possess (good, evil, lawful, or chaotic). Your aegises and wards only provide protection against creatures of the opposite alignment (evil for good, lawful for chaotic, etc.). Creatures who possess your selected alignment or are neutral (those who possess neither your selected alignment nor its opposite) are not stopped by your barriers, hindered by your wards, and your aegises provide no protection against effects that originate from those creatures.

Protection: Aegis As a standard action, you may touch a creature and spend a spell point, granting them an aegis for 1 hour per caster level. Unwilling targets are allowed a Will save to resist gaining an aegis, and aegis is subject to spell resistance.
Multiple aegises of the same talent can be placed on a single creature, and the creature can benefit from them when they are providing different effects. This means Armored Magic can give a target both armor and shield, and Energy Resistance can grant resistance to multiple energy types to the same target.
You gain the following aegis when you gain the Protection sphere:

Protection: Deflection (aegis) You grant the target a +1 deflection bonus to AC, +1 per 5 caster levels.

Protection: Ward As a standard action, you may create a ward centered on yourself with a radius of up to 10 feet + 5 feet per caster level, but can also be made so small as to only cover yourself. Wards remain as long as you concentrate, but you may spend a spell point to allow them to remain for 1 round per caster level without concentration. Wards remain in the location they were created, even if you move (however, if the ward is created entirely on top of a vehicle, it will move with that vehicle). If a ward affects targets inside it, its effects are subject to spell resistance.
When you gain the Protection sphere, you gain the following ward:

Protection: Barrier (ward) You may create a ward that creates a mostly-transparent wall of force at its perimeter. While this barrier does not block line of sight, it does block line of effect; thus, while you could still target a creature through the barrier (such as for an attack that attempts to break the barrier and still deal damage to the creature on the other side), the barrier does stop attacks, movement, breath weapons, and any spells or sphere effects that rely on line of effect until the barrier is destroyed. Ethereal creatures are technically stopped by the barrier, but can usually find a way around it (as the barrier does not cut through objects, and so usually stops at ground level). Creatures inside a space where a barrier is created are shunted to the nearest empty space on the outside.
A barrier has hit points equal to twice your caster level and a Break DC of 15 + 1/2 your caster level. A barrier can hold weight, up to 2,400 lbs. + 250 lbs. per caster level; beyond that, a barrier simply shatters as if broken with a Strength check. If a barrier is broken anywhere, the entire effect ends.
If an attack is directed at a target through the barrier, the attack first deals its damage to the barrier itself. If this damage is enough to destroy the barrier, the attack continues on to its intended target, although damage dealt to the barrier is subtracted from any damage done to the target or targets. Burst-effect attacks such as splash weapons, fireball spells, or others attempting to travel through the barrier explode at the barrier’s edge and also must overcome the barrier’s hit points to damage targets on the other side. If you maintain your barrier through concentration, its hit points are renewed each round on your turn.

Protection: Guardian (aegis) You may create an aegis that draws harmful attention to its bearer and away from their allies. Any hostile target within 10 feet of the bearer of this aegis who decides to target any creature other than the bearer of this aegis suffers a -1 penalty to their attack roll. This penalty increases by 1 for every 5 caster levels possessed. Multiple Guardian aegises do not stack; if a creature attacks one creature with this aegis while within the area of another creature with this aegis, they suffer no penalty for their attack.

Protection: Healing Aegis (succor) As an immediate action, you may dismiss one or more of your aegises on a target, healing that target for an amount equal to your casting ability modifier + your caster level per aegis dispelled. This may keep the target from dying.

Sacred Weapon (Su)

Table: Small or Large Warpriest Sacred Weapon Damage



















At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat; if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them. Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is listed on Table 1–14; see the table below for Small and Large warpriests. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon’s base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon’s base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn’t apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that only deal energy damage.

Verbal Casting You must speak in a loud, clear voice to cast spells. Using magic alerts all nearby hearing creatures to your presence and location, effectively breaking stealth. You cannot cast in an area of magical silence, or in any other situation where you are unable to speak clearly.

Future Abilities

Magic Divination Sphere, Divine Force, Divine Pressure, Energy Resistance, Expanded Divinations, Geas, Judgment, Justice, Planar Refuge, Punishment, Resistance, Reveal Alignment, Spell Ward, Truth, Undying Obstinance

Martial Final Retribution, Guardian’s Focus, Guardian Sphere (challenge), Indomitable, Mageguard, Punishing Challenge, Punishment, Seeking Challenge, Swift Guardian, Warleader Sphere

Feats Critical Focus, Ecumenicism, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Healing Touch, Improved Critical (longsword), Lifebound Auspician, Weapon Specialization (longsword), Turn Undead

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