
mercoledì 25 agosto 2021

Aligned Subdomains: Div

 Only Ahriman would grant this subdomain to his worshipers…

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Div Subdomain

Associated Domain: Evil.

Replacement Power: The following power replaces the touch of evil power of the Evil domain. Divs are a race of neutral evil outsiders.

Cursed Gaze (Su): You can gaze at an opponent within 30 feet of you, weakening its resolve and defenses. A creature who fails a Fort save (DC = 10 + ½ your cleric level + your Charisma bonus) suffers an effect of your choice: confused for 1 round, shaken for 1 round, stunned for 1 round, or 1d4 points of damage. Any creature under the effects of protection from evil is immune to this power. You can use this ability for a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Replacement Domain Spells: 4th— enervation, 6th— disintegrate, 6th— mage’s disjunction.

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