
domenica 22 agosto 2021

Aligned Subdomains: Asura

 Not every aligned extraplanar race has a related subdomain in Pathfinder. Many of these don’t serve many gods, but this doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have a subdomain of their own. Asura ranas are likely the only ones to grant this.

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Asura Subdomain

Associated Domains: Evil, Law.

Replacement Power: The following granted power replaces the scythe of evil power of the Evil domain or the staff of order power of the Law domain. Asura are a race of lawful evil outsiders.

Pervert Miracle (Su): At 8th level, as an immediate action, when a creature within 60 feet either casts a spell that would counter or remove an harmful spell or effect, you can attempt an opposed Charisma check against the caster. If successful, you convert the spell into its opposite against each original target as it’s cast.

Replacement Domain Spells: 3rd— nondetection, 4th— unholy ward, 6th— vengeful outrage.

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