
domenica 3 dicembre 2017

Options for Mediums: the Death Spirit and the Death Channeler archetype

I'm re-reading Soul Music now. Sir Terry Pratchett could easily be my favorite fantasy author, both for his wit and philosophy. And it's interesting to imagine what his characters would be in a roleplay game (after all, Discworld was born as a parody of RPGs). So here's my homage to Susan Sto Helit, Death's granddaughter.

Death Channeler (Medium Archetype)
More than a spirit, Death is an all–pervasive idea or concept; still, some say that “He” has a personality of His own and likes to go on a holiday every now and then. When this happens, He chooses a substitute or a helper so as not to fall behind with His Job. Very few mediums can channel Death, usually only people whom He trusts or “feels a connection” with.
In The Bones (Su): A death channeler channels Death instead of a Hierophant spirit. The powers granted by Death are described below. This modifies spirit.
Death Focus (Ex): At 2nd level, a death channeler gains Spirit Focus (Death) as a bonus feat. This replaces shared seance.
Marked By Death (Ex): At 7th level, a death channeler gains some physical sign of her kinship with the Grim Reaper, like a peculiar-shaped scar, a strange eyes or hair color, or unusually long and sharp fingernails. The death channeler can't choose to channel Death as a weaker spirit to reduce her influence from spirit surge. In exchange, she doesn't need to find an appropriate location to channel Death; she can contact Him wherever she happens to be at the moment, through the mark. This replaces connection channel.

Death (Medium Spirit)
According to those who claim to “know Him well”, Death is not an unpleasant character and can show a certain compassion for His mortal charges. Nonetheless, His duty is the most important thing to Him.
Spirit Bonus: When you channel Death, your spirit bonus applies to all Knowledge skill checks, Wisdom checks, and Will saves.
Seance Boon: You gain a +2 bonus on your caster level whenever you cast a necromancy spell.
Favored Locations: Any old place with antiquities, churches, hospitals, cemeteries.
Influence Penalty: You become emotionless and inexorable, only concerned with your duty. You take a penalty equal to your spirit bonus on caster levels and saving DCs when casting spells with an emotion component. The Logical Spell feat doesn’t negate this penalty.
Taboos: Choose one: you must always answer truthfully to every question; you must exchange some words with every dying or recently dead creature you happen to meet on your way; you cannot accept or perform magic or profane healing on anyone.
Life Sight (Minor Power, Sp): You can see the states of life, death, and general health of those around you. When you use this ability, you can tell whether or not creatures within 30 feet that you can see are living, wounded, dying, or dead. You can also tell if those creatures are confused, disabled, diseased, nauseated, poisoned, sickened or staggered. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to your medium level, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive.
Voice of Inevitability (Intermediate Power, Su): Death’s voice is very difficult to ignore or resist. Whenever a creature fails a saving throw against a charm or compulsion spell you cast, you can also make an Intimidate check to demoralize the creature as a free action.
World of the Spirits (Greater Power, Su): Compared to Death, every other reality is like a fleeting dream. As a standard action, you can allow Death to gain 1 point of influence over you to pass into the spirit world for 1 minute, becoming incorporeal and invisible for mortal creatures. While in this state, only incorporeal creatures and outsiders can see you without using magic. You can move in any direction and through any object. You can attack both corporeal and incorporeal creatures (as if your weapons had the ghost touch property).
Ultimate Reality (Supreme Power, Su): As Death’s proxy, you sometimes can bend the rules a little. You add death ward to your list of spells known as a 4th–level spell. You also gain Deny the Reaper as a bonus feat, and are considered to have completed its goal prerequisites. Once per day, instead of converting any 5th–level or higher conjuration (healing) spell into breath of life using this feat, you may use one of your 4th–level spell slots to cast resurrection on an ally who died in the previous turn.

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