
mercoledì 6 dicembre 2017

Faith Trait: Alternate Channeler

Sooner or later, I will have to continue my series of speculations about the “perfect priest” in Pathfinder. But in the meanwhile, one thing that can be done to get near to it is modify the channel energy ability.
As I already said, in 2E not every priest was able to turn/command or damage undead. It feels strange that every cleric should do it- even if her deity’s portfolio doesn’t include death in any way. Variant channeling (and the related feats Channeling Variance and Extra Variance from Magic Tactics Toolbox) is a great idea, but it only reduces the power upon undead instead of replacing it.
Channeling feats, now, these are really interesting. We have many that completely replace the healing/damaging ability with another (first of all, the same Turn/Command Undead), and many deities have their own unique channeling replacements. Above all, some of them are already granted to oracles, inquisitors, or necromancers as self-standing abilities. The Genius Guide to Domain Channeling and The Genius Guide to Domain Channeling II gave us plenty of Channeling feats too, adding the interesting idea of linking channeling powers to your deity's domains. It's simple enough devising our own feats to fill the gaps or personalize our homebrewed deities.
Now only the final step remains...

Alternate Channeler (Faith Trait)
Your god blessed you with a power different from others. Choose one channeling feat (a feat that modifies the channel energy power) which has other prerequisites than the channel energy ability. You gain this as a bonus feat, but you only can channel energy using your chosen feat, and cannot channel energy normally. This trait only has effect if you have the channel energy ability.

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