
domenica 16 marzo 2025

New Magic Item: Bow Harp

There is a way to use a bow as a harp, but what if I want to use a harp as a bow (like Bow from the old She-Ra show)?

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Bow Harp Price 18,000 gp

Slot none CL 7th Weight 5 lbs

Aura moderate evocation

These small golden harps are favored by elven, fey and lillend bards. A bow harp functions as a masterwork stringed instrument and can also be used as a +2 shortbow. If the wielder has a bardic performance or raging song ongoing, they can expend one additional round of the ability to shoot arrows made of sheer sound from the bow harp in a round. These deal the same damage of regular arrows, but all the damage dealt is sonic damage.

Construction Requirements Cost 9,000 gp

Craft Wonderful Item, desperate weapon, sound burst, creator must have the bardic performance class feature

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