
sabato 8 febbraio 2025

Dragon Disciple Feats

To transform your Dragon Disciple into a real humanoid dragon! Soon on The Bardess’ Library #5!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Draconic Tail (Combat)

You grow a dragon’s tail while fighting.

Prerequisites: Access to natural claw attacks, bloodrager or sorcerer with the draconic bloodline, base attack bonus +5, Draconic Manifestation.

Benefit: Whenever you manifest your claws, you also gain a tail slap attack. This is a secondary attack dealing 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small), plus 1-½ times your Strength modifier.

Draconic Wing Buffet (Combat)

Your draconic wings can be used as weapons in combat.

Prerequisites: Bloodrager or sorcerer with the draconic bloodline, base attack bonus +7, wings or draconic wings class feature, Draconic Manifestation, Draconic Tail.

Benefit: Whenever you manifest your wings and are wearing no armor or light armor, you also gain two wing buffet attacks. These are secondary attacks that deal 1d4 damage (1d3 if you are Small), plus ½ your Strength modifier. You cannot use your wing attacks while flying.

Draconic Tail (Combat, Mythic)

Your tail becomes a deadly energy weapon.

Prerequisites: Draconic Tail.

Benefits: Your tail attack deals damage as if you were one size larger. If your claw attacks deal energy damage, your tail deals 1d6 additional points of energy damage too.

Draconic Wing Buffet (Combat, Mythic)

Your dragon wings gain more strength in combat. 

Prerequisites: Draconic Wing Buffet.

Benefits: Your wing buffet attacks deal damage as if you were one size larger. If your claw attacks deal energy damage, your wing buffets deal 1d4 additional points of energy damage too. This stacks with the mythic dragon wings power for dragon disciples.

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