
mercoledì 12 febbraio 2025

Dragon Disciple Archetype: Dragon Harbinger

The dragon harbinger is a variant of Dragon Disciple for bloodragers and other martial characters.

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Dragon Harbinger (Dragon Disciple Archetype)

A dragon harbinger forfeit spellcasting to become as lethal as a dragon in melee combat.


To qualify to become a dragon harbinger, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Race: Any non-dragon.

Base Attack Bonus: +5.

Languages: Draconic.

Special: Ability to make two claws attacks.

This alters requirements.

Class Skills: A dragon harbinger adds Climb (Str) to his class skills in place of Spellcraft (Int). This alters class skills.

Dragon Warrior (Ex): A dragon harbinger adds +1 to his base attack bonus at every level. This replaces the dragon disciple’s spellcasting ability.

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