
sabato 25 gennaio 2025

Greek/Roman Deities: Artemis/Diana

Very soon on The Bardess’ Library #4!

Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis, was the Triple Goddess: Moon in the Sky (her Latin name, Diana, means “she who brings the light of the day”); Huntress on Earth, with her entourage of nymphs wandering the woodlands; and Witch in the Underworld, patron of obscure magic rites. She was also invoked by women in labor to “bring the child to the light”. Her arrows struck female sinners as surely as those of her brother did with males, and she punished fiercely anyone who would attempt to her chastity and any nymph that had broken her vow of virginity. Pagan and medieval witches were worshipers of Diana.

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Artemis/Diana (NG)

Favored Weapon: shortbow

Symbol: bow in form of crescent

Sacred Animal: Stag

Sacred Color: green and black

Domains: Animal, Darkness, Good, Magic, Protection, [Prophecy]

Subdomains: [Agathion*], Arcane, [Birth] Divine, [Fate] Fur, Moon, [Spell] Night, Purity, [Witchcraft] 

Apocryphal Subdomains: Rites

Druidic Domains: [Bear] [Forest] [Hunting] [Stag]

Inquisitions: Conversion, [Darkness] Fate, [Incarnate] [Nature] Restoration, [Spirit] [Silver]

Mysteries/Spirits: [Arcana] Heavens, Lunar, [Moon] Nature, Occult, [Pythic]

Witch Patron: Agility, Animals, Boundaries, Devotion, Moon, Portents, Spirits

Variant Channeling: Fate, Hunting, Magic, Moonlight, Nature

Clergy: clerics, druids, hunters, inquisitors, mediums, oracles (mostly SeersUM), rangers, sorcerers, shamans, warpriests, witches, wizards. Druids of Artemis can use the shortbow as a druidic weapon, and can’t use the scimitar. All priests of Artemis are women.

Spells: baleful polymorph (clerics and oracles can learn/prepare it as a 5th-level spell), moonrise arrowP134ICfHM (druid, hunters, and rangers can learn/prepare it as a 3rd-level spell), tree shape (all clergy members can learn/prepare it as a 2nd-level spell; druids and hunters can learn/prepare it as a 1st-level spell).

Unique Summon Rules: Nymph (summon nature’s ally V)

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