
mercoledì 29 gennaio 2025

The Bardess’ Library #4 is out!

Here’s the link to the latest issue of my magazine for Legendary Games! This month’s theme is Mythology and inside you will find a great many things that were posted here in the last month.

A bit of exclusive content will be on my Patreon page tomorrow. Don’t miss it!

domenica 26 gennaio 2025

Thalia, Muse of Comedy

Very soon on The Bardess’ Library #4! I published the stats for this Muse as a demigod once. Here are her mythic monster stats.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Thalia, Muse of Comedy

This beautiful woman appears imposing and regal, yet there’s a light of mockery and mischievousness in her eyes.

Thalia CR 24 MR 9

XP 1,228,800

CG Medium fey (mythic)
Init +13; Senses blindsight 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +23


AC 43, touch 30, flat-footed 24 (+4 armor, +11 deflection, +9 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 419 (17d6+306+54)
Fort +21, Ref +30, Will +24
Defensive Abilities muse’s ward, mythic immortality, unearthly grace; DR 15/cold iron and epic (25/epic when below 0 hit points); Immune sonic


Speed 60 ft.
Melee +5 bewildering singing crook +33/+28 (1d6+14 plus 1d6 sonic)
Ranged 5 sound strikes +33 ranged touch (4d6 sonic)
Special Attacks bardic performance 59 rounds/day (swift action; as a 16th-level bard), clown, mythic power 21/day, surge +1d10
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th; concentration +28)

1/level/day- comprehend languages, expeditious retreat, hideous laughter (DC 22), lesser confusion (DC 22), protection from evil, protection from law; align weapon (chaos), align weapon (good), detect thoughts (DC 23), memory lapse (DC 23), touch of idiocy; fly, magic circle against evil, magic circle against law, rage, speak with dead (DC 24); chaos hammer (DC 25), confusion (DC 25), divination, holy smite (DC 25), moonstruck (DC 25); dispel evil (DC 26), dispel law (DC 26), nightmare (DC 26), true seeing; animate objects, blade barrier (DC 27), cloak of dreams (DC 27), find the path, modify memory (DC 27), phantasmal killer (DC 27), phantasmal web (DC 27), planar ally (azata); holy word (DC 28), insanity (DC 28), legend lore, word of chaos (DC 28); cloak of chaos (DC 29), discern location, holy aura (DC 29), moment of prescience, scintillating pattern; foresight, summon monster IX (chaos), summon monster IX (good), weird (DC 30)

Bard Spells Known (CL 16th; concentration+27)

6th (3)—brilliant inspiration, subjective reality
5th (5)—greater dispel magic, greater heroism, frozen note (DC 26), shadowbard
4th (6)—break enchantment, denounce (DC 25), heroic finale, untold wonder, virtuoso performance
3rd (8)—exquisite accompaniment, glibness, good hope, haste, purging finale
2nd (8)—absurdity (DC 23), babble (DC 23), eagle’s splendor, gallant inspiration, honeyed tongue, share memory (DC 23)
1st (8)—hideous laughter (DC 22), biting words, identify, saving finale, solid note, timely inspiration
0 (at will)—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 21), lullaby (DC 21), message, prestidigitation, summon instrument


Str 14, Dex 29, Con 20, Int 25, Wis 16, Cha 33
Base Atk +8; CMB +10; CMD 47
Feats Defensive Combat Training, Extra PerformanceM, Improved Initiative, Inspiring Mentor, Lingering PerformanceM, Skill FocusM (Perform [all], Skill Focus (Craft [all]), ToughnessM, Weapon FinesseM
Skills Craft (all) +33, Escape Artist +29, Knowledge (all) +19, Linguistics +19, Perception +23, Perform (all) +39, Spellcraft+24, Stealth +29, Use Magic Device +29
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan; telepathy 100 ft.; truespeech
SQ art is life, change shape (Small or Medium humanoid; alter self), inspiration, path abilities (clown, divine source x3 [Chaos/Whimsy, Good/Azata, Knowledge/Memory, Madness/Insanity], mythic immortality, mythic spellcasting, Parnassus’ ward, potent message, sardonic wit, unending performance)


Environment any (Olympus, Parnassus)
Organization solitary or circle (the Nine Muses)
Treasure triple (+5 bewildering singing crook, mask of the comedian, other equipment)

Special Abilities

Art is Life (Ex) A muse is the master of all forms of art; she counts Craft and Perform as single skills and all Knowledge skills as class skills. She can use versatile performance as a bard for all categories of Perform. A muse’s blindsight is sound-based.

Buffoonery (Ex) Thalia uses the bardic performances from the Prankster bard archetype rather than those of a regular bard.

Inspiration (Su) A muse can inspire art and passion in her targets, as per a nymph’s inspiration. The muse has a constant status spell cast on the creatures she is inspiring, and can project her senses to one of them, or teleport to a location within 100 feet of one of them, as a standard action. She can inspire a number of creatures equal to her Charisma bonus.

Parnassus’ WardM (Su) A mythic muse incorporates solid music into her jewelry and clothing, granting her (but not others) a +5 armor bonus to AC and allowing her to add her Charisma bonus to her attack roll and to her Constitution bonus when calculating hit points. The notes also act as masterwork instruments for all types of Perform.

Unearthly Grace (Su) A muse adds her Charisma modifier as a racial bonus on saves, and as a deflection bonus to AC.

sabato 25 gennaio 2025

Greek/Roman Deities: Artemis/Diana

Very soon on The Bardess’ Library #4!

Apollo’s twin sister, Artemis, was the Triple Goddess: Moon in the Sky (her Latin name, Diana, means “she who brings the light of the day”); Huntress on Earth, with her entourage of nymphs wandering the woodlands; and Witch in the Underworld, patron of obscure magic rites. She was also invoked by women in labor to “bring the child to the light”. Her arrows struck female sinners as surely as those of her brother did with males, and she punished fiercely anyone who would attempt to her chastity and any nymph that had broken her vow of virginity. Pagan and medieval witches were worshipers of Diana.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Artemis/Diana (NG)

Favored Weapon: shortbow

Symbol: bow in form of crescent

Sacred Animal: Stag

Sacred Color: green and black

Domains: Animal, Darkness, Good, Magic, Protection, [Prophecy]

Subdomains: [Agathion*], Arcane, [Birth] Divine, [Fate] Fur, Moon, [Spell] Night, Purity, [Witchcraft] 

Apocryphal Subdomains: Rites

Druidic Domains: [Bear] [Forest] [Hunting] [Stag]

Inquisitions: Conversion, [Darkness] Fate, [Incarnate] [Nature] Restoration, [Spirit] [Silver]

Mysteries/Spirits: [Arcana] Heavens, Lunar, [Moon] Nature, Occult, [Pythic]

Witch Patron: Agility, Animals, Boundaries, Devotion, Moon, Portents, Spirits

Variant Channeling: Fate, Hunting, Magic, Moonlight, Nature

Clergy: clerics, druids, hunters, inquisitors, mediums, oracles (mostly SeersUM), rangers, sorcerers, shamans, warpriests, witches, wizards. Druids of Artemis can use the shortbow as a druidic weapon, and can’t use the scimitar. All priests of Artemis are women.

Spells: baleful polymorph (clerics and oracles can learn/prepare it as a 5th-level spell), moonrise arrowP134ICfHM (druid, hunters, and rangers can learn/prepare it as a 3rd-level spell), tree shape (all clergy members can learn/prepare it as a 2nd-level spell; druids and hunters can learn/prepare it as a 1st-level spell).

Unique Summon Rules: Nymph (summon nature’s ally V)

mercoledì 22 gennaio 2025

Paladin Codes: Apollo

As a lawful good deity (ignoring his many dalliances with women and nymphs), Apollo has his paladins.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Apollo Paladin Code

  • I bring order where chaos is. Excessive displays of emotions are chaos. Violence is chaos. Improper sexual behavior is chaos.

  • I heal good people who ask me from wounds or diseases for free.

  • I give advice about the future to those who ask me.

  • I punish the guilty with both sword and magic, but if requested, I give them instructions to atone their misdeeds and overcome curses.

  • I protect the sanctity of holy sites and punish those who would bring violence there or disrespect peaceful priests.

  • I reveal the secret misdeeds of evil people and bring their plans to light. 

  • I inspire poets and artists and protect them from harm. I reward generously those who create good works of art.

domenica 19 gennaio 2025

Greek/Roman Deities: Apollo

Very soon on The Bardess’ Library #4!

Apollo has been stated as CG in older editions, but for the Greek and the Athenians in particular, he was the symbol and embodiment of order and good governance, as “master of the skies” and “bringer of light”, keeper of truth and clear vision. He was also one of the patron deities of theater.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Apollo (LG)

Favored Weapon: Shortbow

Symbol: Lyre on the sun

Sacred Color: Silver

Sacred Animal: Serpent, swan

Domains: Charm, Good, Healing, Law, [Prophecy], [Song] Sun

Subdomains: Archon, Day, [Fate], Judgment, Light, Restoration, Revelation [Warmth]

Apocryphal Subdomains: Alchemy, Captivation* Medicine, Thirst

Druidic Domains: Serpent [Swan] [Rat]

Inquisitions: Conversion, Fate, Fervor, Final Rest, [Guided] [Karmic] Illumination, [Incarnate] Restoration, Revelation, [Song] [Transcendent] Truth

Mysteries/Spirits: [Arcane] Life, Lore, Occult, [Pythic] Solar [Sound] (oracles of Apollo mostly have Blinded, Lame, Tongues or Unbelievable as their curses)

Paladin Oaths: Against Corruption, Against Fiends, Against Grotesquery, Against the Wyrm

Witch Patron: Devotion, Enchantment, Fate, Healing, Light, Occult, Portents

Variant Channeling:  Art/Music, Fate, Knowledge, Magic, Self-Perfection, Sun

Clergy: bards, clerics (many Evangelists), druids, inquisitors, mediums, oracles (mostly Seers), paladins (rare), shamans, sorcerers, warpriests, witches, wizards

Spells: daybreak arrow (bards add it to their list as a 3rd-level spell), sunbeam (clerics and oracles add it to their list as a 7th-level spell), sunburst (clerics and oracles add it to their list as a 8th-level spell), power word, kill (clerics and oracles add it to their list as a 8th-level spell)

sabato 18 gennaio 2025

Greek/Roman Deities: Poseidon/Neptune

Very soon on The Bardess’ Library #4!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Poseidon (CN)

Favored Weapon: trident

Sacred Color: blue

Sacred Animal: horse

Symbol: wave and trident

Domains/Blessings: Animal, Chaos, Destruction, Earthquake, Flood, Water, Weather

Subdomains: Catastrophe, [Fish], Flotsam, Oceans, Protean, Rage, Storms

Apocryphal Subdomains: Riot

Druidic Domains: Aquatic, Serpent

Inquisitions: Conversion, Vengeance

Mysteries/Spirits: Nature, Waves

Witch Patron: Animals, Devotion, Revenge, Storms, Water

Variant Channeling: Destruction, Monsters, Ocean/Sea/Water, Revenge/Vengeance, Weather

Clergy: Clerics, druids, inquisitors (rare), oracles, warpriests, witches

Spells: aquatic cavalry (all clergy members add it to their list as a 2nd-level spell)

Unique Summon Rules: hippocampus (summon nature’s ally II), cyclops (summon monster V)

Neptune (N)

Favored Weapon: trident

Sacred Color: blue

Sacred Animal: dolphin

Symbol: wave and trident

Domains/Blessings: Animal, Destruction, Earthquake, Flood, Travel, Water, Weather

Subdomains: Catastrophe, Exploration, [Fish], Flotsam, Oceans, Storms, Trade

Apocryphal Subdomains: none

Druidic Domains: Aquatic, Serpent

Inquisitions: Conversion

Mysteries/Spirits: Nature, Waves

Witch Patron: Animals, Devotion, Storms, Water

Variant Channeling: Destruction, Monsters, Ocean/Sea/Water, Weather

Clergy: Clerics, druids, inquisitors (rare), oracles, warpriests, witches

Spells: aquatic cavalry (all clergy members add it to their list as a 2nd-level spell)

Unique Summon Rules: hippocampus (summon nature’s ally II), cyclops (summon monster V)

mercoledì 15 gennaio 2025

Two New Fire Spells

Priestesses of Hestia will find these spells very useful.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Control Flames

School transmutation; Level arcanist/sorcerer/wizard 0, bard/skald 0, cleric/oracle/warpriest 0, druid 0, hunter 0, magus 0, occultist 0, witch 0


Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S, M (flint)


Range 5 ft.

Target one fire

Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no


You select one nonmagical fire that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You control the fire, achieving one of the following effects:

-You can expand the flame 5 feet in one direction, provided that wood or other fuel is present.

-You can extinguish any flames present within the area of effect.

-You can increase or decrease the illumination provided by the controlled fire by 1 step.

You can cause simple shapes -such as the vague form of a creature, an inanimate object, or a location- to appear within the flames and move according to your will.

Control Fire

School transmutation; Level arcanist/sorcerer/wizard 4, bard/skald 4, cleric/oracle/warpriest 4, druid 4, hunter 4, magus 4, occultist 4, witch 4


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (flint)


Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect one magical or nonmagica fire within range whose volume is up to one 5-ft. cube/2 levels
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance no


This spell functions as control flames, except it affects one magical or nonmagical fire of an appropriate size within its range. It has also the following additional effects:

-It can expand or reduce a fire’s area by 50% of its volume, provided this doesn’t make the fire larger than the maximum volume you can control; 

-It can completely negate or double the damage dealt by the target fire.

If the target fire is magical in origin, you apply the rules for dispel magic (targeted dispel) to see if you can control it. Control fire can be used to counter all damage-dealing fire spells.