
domenica 29 settembre 2024

New Mythic Rage Powers, Part 1

A long new series on all the rage powers that have not a mythic counterpart in the Mythic Character Codex. This first part goes from Abyssal Blood to Bleeding Blow!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

New Mythic Rage Powers

Mythic Abyssal Blood: This power has now the effect of mythic enlarge person.

Mythic Air Totem: The effect lasts for 1 round per level of the barbarian.

Mythic Ancestor Totem: The barbarian gains the insight bonus to her chosen skill even when not raging.

Mythic Armor Ripper: The barbarian adds ½ her tier (minimum 1) to her bonus on sunder maneuvers made with her natural attacks.

Mythic Aryzul’s Curse: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the maximum penalty she can inflict on a creature with this power, and the penalty lasts for a number of rounds equal to her mythic tier after the rage ends.

Mythic Atavism Totem: The barbarian doesn’t die until her hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to her Constitution score plus her mythic tier.

Mythic Auspicious Mark: The barbarian can use this ability without spending rounds of rage a number of times per day equal to one-half her mythic tier (minimum 1). When rolling d6s for her bonus, she can treat any natural 5 as a 6.

Mythic Autumn Rage: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the bonuses gained through this ability.

 Mythic Battle Roar: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the damage she deals to a demoralized opponent.

Mythic Beast Totem: The barbarian adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the bonus gained from this power.

Mythic Bestial Climber: The barbarian retains her climb speed even when not raging. While raging, she adds her mythic tier to her climb speed.

Mythic Bestial Flyer: The barbarian retains her fly speed even when not raging. While raging, she adds her mythic tier to her fly speed.

Mythic Bestial Leaper: The barbarian retains the benefits from the bestial leaper rage power even when not raging.

Mythic Bestial Swimmer: The barbarian retains her swim speed even when not raging. While raging, she adds her mythic tier to her swim speed.

Mythic Bleeding Blow: The barbarian adds her mythic tier to the bleed damage she deals to an opponent. Stopping this bleed damage requires a Heal check with a DC equal to 15 + ½ the barbarian’s tier. Any magical healing ends the bleed damage normally.

sabato 28 settembre 2024

Mythic Draconic Manifestation

Here’s a new mythic feat that completes the series for draconic descendants.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Draconic Manifestation (Mythic)

When manifesting your draconic claws, you unlock tremendous power.

Prerequisite: Draconic Manifestation.

Benefit: You add your mythic tier to your level for the purpose of determining the effects of your draconic manifestation. You also add ½ your mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of rounds per day you can use your draconic manifestation.

mercoledì 25 settembre 2024

Mythic Draconic Heritage, Planar

I created the Mythic Draconic Heritage feat a while ago. Here’s the supplement for descendants of planar dragons who want to use it.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Draconic Heritage, Planar: The radius of your planar aura increases by 5 ft. for every 2 mythic tiers you possess.

domenica 22 settembre 2024

Planar Draconic Manifestation

Another supplement for a different draconic feat.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Draconic Manifestation

Planar: Your claw attacks count as your chosen dragon type’s alignment for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A character with the crypt dragon bloodline treats her claws as magic weapons instead. You are also granted the effects of protection from chaos/good/evil/law, depending on your chosen dragon type’s alignment; a character with the crypt dragon bloodline is instead protected by veil of positive energy.

venerdì 20 settembre 2024

Planar Draconic Heritage

A supplement to the Draconic Heritage feat for descendants of planar dragons.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!


Humanoids with the blood of planar dragons are very rare and tend to become guides and chiefs of their people, or to be hunted and driven away if their dragon ancestor represents a conflicting alignment. They tend to exhibit strong tendencies and traits related to their ancestor’s plane and alignment.

Draconic Heritage: As a swift action, you can influence your surroundings, causing an area with a radius of 30 feet to be treated as an extension of your related plane. This imposes that plane’s strong alignment traits and grants the plane’s enhanced and impeded magic traits, affects whether a creature is treated as native or extraplanar for the purpose of spells like dismissal, and creates minor sensory effects evoking that plane. This effect is immobile and lasts for 1 round. You can generate a planar infusion once per day for every 4 characters levels you have (minimum 1). 

mercoledì 18 settembre 2024

Judo for Gestalt

This is one of the few non-Pathfinder post on this page and the first dedicated to the Gestalt role playing game. I love it and some day people will declare that I sustained it from the very start. And I want to write for it and contribute to it. This is my first contribution: the martial art rules in the Core Rulebook cover most real-world combat styles, but how could I accept that the sport my children do and love was not there? So, here.

Sustain Gestalt everyone!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!


Damage dice: d6

Damage type: B

Critical effect: Knockdown

Qualities: Grapple, Trip, Add your damage dice to successful grapple results (not just Str).

domenica 15 settembre 2024

Mythic Valkyrie Class Options

I forgot this in my homages to my friend Aaron Hollingsworth who created this class. I will definitely do more things for the Valkyrie.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Mythic Valkyrie

Mythic valkyries are the supreme arbiters of battle, life, and death, bringing victory or a glorious demise to their allies, and assuring them of a luxurious afterlife.

Mythic Deathwatcher: This ability functions now as the mythic deathwatch spell.

Mythic Vanquish Foe: After the valkyrie strikes a creature with a vanquish foe attack, the valkyrie becomes aware of the creature’s alignment. If she then decides that the creature is no more her foe, the valkyrie may choose to deal no damage with the attack. If she chooses to do this, the vanquish foe ends and does not count against the valkyrie’s uses of vanquish foe per day.

Mythic Rage Powers: To take a mythic rage power, a valkyrie must have the non-mythic version of the rage power. No mythic rage power may be taken more than once.

Mythic Battle Training: The valkyrie suffers no more skill check penalties for wearing light and medium armor. She also adds ½ her tier (minimum 1) to Reflex saves made while wearing light and medium armor.

Mythic Aura of Courage: The range of the valkyrie’s aura of courage extends an additional five feet per mythic tier, and functions even if the valkyrie is unconscious (and for 24 hours after her death).

Mythic Improved Battle Training: The valkyrie suffers no more skill check penalties for wearing heavy armor. She also adds ½ her tier to her armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus.

Mythic Aid: The valkyrie adds her mythic tier to the number of times per day she can use her aid ability.

Mythic Lasting Death: A creature slain by the valkyrie cannot be brought back to life by spells and effects produced by non-mythic creatures.

Mythic Death Bearer: The valkyrie adds ½ her mythic tier (minimum 1) to the number of times per day she can use the spell-like abilities granted by this power.

Mythic Tongues: This ability functions now as the mythic tongues spell.

Mythic Aura of Wrath: The range of the valkyrie’s aura of wrath extends an additional five feet per mythic tier, and she may choose to active it by expending one use of mythic power.

Mythic Call Lightning Storm: This ability functions now as the mythic call lightning storm spell.

Mythic Ride of the Valkyrie: The sleipnir called by the valkyrie becomes a mythic creature and gains 1 mythic rank, plus 1 for every 4 mythic tiers of the valkyrie beyond 1st.

Mythic Breath of Life: This ability functions now as the mythic breath of life spell.

Mythic Aura of Tirelessness: The range of the valkyrie’s aura of righteousness extends an additional five feet per mythic tier, and functions even if the valkyrie is unconscious (and for 24 hours after her death).

Mythic Heal: This ability functions now as the mythic heal  spell.

Mythic Geas/Quest: This ability functions now as the mythic geas/quest spell.

Mythic True Valkyrie: The valkyrie adds her mythic tier to her deflection bonus on AC, and her plane shift ability functions now as the mythic versions of the spell. At will, the valkyrie can also expend two uses of mythic power to cast true resurrection.

sabato 14 settembre 2024

Killit Aurabuca, 20th Level

The last one of my 20th-level anniversary stats!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Killit Aurabuca CR 25

Halfling opportunist 5/unchained rogue 8 (Vexing Dodger)/swashbuckler 7 (Flying Blade)/trickster 10

Female CG Small humanoid (halfling)

Init +18, amazing initiative, swashbuckler initiative; Senses Perception +28


AC 31,  touch 24, flat–footed 23 (+7 armor, +5 deflection, +6 Dex, +2 nimble, +1 size).

Fort +16, Ref +30, Will +19. +5 resistance/+6 Ref (cloak of quick reflexes), +4 racial vs. fear (fearless, Courageous Resolve), +3 racial (exceptionally lucky), +1 luck (stone of good luck)

hp 160 (13d8+7d10 +20+40)

Defensive Abilities charmed life 4/day, evasion, fearless, force of will, halfling luck, hard to kill, immortal, limb-climber -6, mythic saves, nimble +2, recuperation, sniper’s riposte, uncanny dodge, underfoot trickster, unstoppable; SR 19 (magic armor)


Speed 30 ft. (with magic boots)

Melee +4 glorious returning dagger +29/+24/+19/+14 (1d3+13, 17–20), +3 greater flamboyant returning dagger +28/+23/+18/+13 (1d3+12, 17–20), mwk shortsword +24/+19/+14/+9 (1d4, 19–20)

Ranged +4 glorious returning dagger +29 (1d3+13, 17–20), +3 greater flamboyant returning dagger +28 (1d3+12, 17–20), +3 distance sling +26/+21/+16/+11 (1d3)

Special Attacks +4 circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls with daggers (halfling rogue favored class option), aim for the eye, combat trickery, debilitating injury, deeds (derring–do, disrupting counter, opportune parry and riposte, precise strike +7, precise throw, subtle throw, superior feint, swashbuckler’s grace, swashbuckler’s initiative, targeted throw), distracting climber +6 (DC 15), exploitive maneuver, fickle attack, fistful of daggers, flying blade training +1, mythic power 23/day, opportunity attacker, precision critical, ricochet, sneak attack +6d6, supreme trickster, surge +1d12, treacherous critical, trickster attack (deadly throw +10), weapon familiarity

Spell–Like Abilities (CL 20th, concentration +9)

At will (spending mythic power)– faerie fire, heat metal (DC 21), daylight, fire shield, flame strike (DC 23), fire seeds (DC 25), sunbeam (DC 26), sunburst (DC 27), prismatic sphere (DC 28)

1/day- commune


Str 10, Dex 22, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 28

Base Atk +16; CMB +15 (+17/+23 with dirty trick, +26 with steal); CMD 40 (42 vs. dirty trick, 54 vs. steal)

Traits Helpful, Inspiring

Feats AcrobaticM, Blinding Flash (DC 26), Combat Expertise (+5/–5), Courageous Resolve, Defensive Combat TrainingM, Divine Fighting Technique* (Eliun’s Light Dagger– initial benefit), Greater Steal, Improved Dirty Trick*, Improved StealM* Lucky Halfling, Nimble MovesM*, Quick DrawM, Throw AnythingM, Weapon Finesse*, Weapon Focus (dagger), Weapon Specialization* (dagger)

Skills Acrobatics +37/+39/+42, Bluff +32, Climb +30/+32, Diplomacy +32, Disable Device +16, Escape Artist +29/+31, Knowledge (local) +14, Perception +28, Sense Motive +19, Sleight of Hand +29, Stealth +33, Use Magic Device +25

Languages Common, Dwarven, Halfling

SQ excellent aid +3, fit in, finesse training (dagger), improved trap spotter, keen senses, legendary hero, panache (9 points), path abilities (aim for the eye, combat trickery, faster than the eye –10, fickle attack, mortal herald [Sun/Light], path dabbling [fistful of daggers], precision critical, ricochet, sniper’s riposte, treacherous critical), rogue’s edge (Acrobatics), rogue talents (combat swipe, combat trick, trap spotter, uncanny dodge), sure–footed, swashbuckler finesse, underfoot agility +2

Gear +4 glorious returning dagger (98,302 gp), +3 greater flamboyant returning dagger (98,302 gp), +3 distance sling (32,300 gp), 20 sling bullets (1 sp), 10 halfling little starstones (5 cp), 10 halfling sharpstones (1 gp), 10 halfling softstones (1 sp), 10 halfling spongestones (10 gp), 2 smoke bullets (200 gp), mwk short sword (310 gp), +5 spell resistance +19 leather armor (100,160 gp), bag of tricks (rust, 8,500 gp), bracelet of good luck charms (16,000 gp), cloak of quick reflexes +5/+6 (37,500 gp), headband of mental superiority  +6 (144,000 gp), gem of brightness (13,000 gp), gloves of swimming and climbing (6,250 gp), manual of bodily health +2 (55,000 gp), ring of protection +5 (50,000 gp), ring of shooting stars (50,000 gp), robe of useful items (7,000 gp), rogue’s kit (50 gp), security belt (12,500 gp), seven–league boots (80,000 gp), staff of illumination (51,500 gp), stone of good luck (20,000 gp).