
domenica 18 agosto 2024

Virdena, 20th level

My Worldcenter characters turn 20th level this year (and grow old, but for an elf like Virdena this is no big deal). Some of them could never see the 21th level… but I will think about it when it’s time.

So I made updated stats for them and corrected some mistakes in their previous stats here in the blog, if you want fo check them. Virdena is the first one. Enjoy this new series.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Virdena (CR 25)

Female elf eldritch knight 10/evoker 5 (Admixture)/fighter 5 (Lore Warden)/archmage 10

CG Medium humanoid (elf)

Init +17, amazing initiative; Senses low–light vision, Perception +22


AC 36, touch 17, flat–footed 27 (+8 armor, +5 deflection, +5 natural, +7 Dex, +1 dodge). +1 shield bonus when fighting defensively or using total defense (Swordplay Style)

hp 212 (15d10 + 5d6 + 80 + 30)

Fort +18; Ref +16; Will +18. +4 bonus on Fort saves vs. hot and cold environments and suffocation (Endurance); +3 bonus vs. enchantment spells and effects (+2 racial, +1 trait); +4 morale bonus vs. mind–affecting effects (Mythic Free Spirit); +2 competence bonus vs. fire-based effects (magic sword).

Defensive Abilities force of will, hard to kill, immortal, mythic saves, recuperation, unstoppable; SR 29 (vs. arcane magic)/13 (magic armor); Immune sleep; Resist cold 30 (elemental bond), fire 30 (greater ring of energy resistance)


Speed 30 ft., 45 on ice (rime-stride boots)

Melee +5 icy burst quenching bastard sword +34/+29/+24/+19 (1d10+22 [25 two-handed] +1d6 cold, 19–20 +1d10 cold, +1d6 vs. fire creatures); icicle wand +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d4+8+1d6 cold, 19–20)

Ranged icicle wand +25 (1d4+8+1d6 cold, 19–20), +3 endless ammunition icy burst composite longbow +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d8+9 +1d6 cold, +x3 +1d10 cold)

Special Attacks mage strike, mythic power 23/day, spell critical, surge +1d12, sword secret (know thy enemy [2 rounds]), weapon training +1 (heavy blades)

Spell–like Abilities (CL 20, concentration +25)

At will (spending mythic power)– obscuring mist, fog cloud, water breathing (DC 18), control water, ice storm, cone of cold (DC 21), freezing sphere (DC 22), horrid wilting (DC 23), polar ray

1/day– expeditious retreat, identify, magic aura, protection from evil/law, shield of faith; align weapon (chaos/good), bless weapon, magic mouth, stalwart resolve, zone of truth (DC 17); dispel magic, fly, magic circle against evil/law, searing lightarcane eye, chaos hammer, holy smite, imbue with spell ability, restoration; commune, dispel evil/law (DC 20), holy whisper (DC 20), righteous might, spell resistance; analyze dweomer (DC 21), animate objects, antimagic field, blade barrier (DC 21), geas/quest, planar ally (azata only), undeath to death; holy sword, holy word (DC 22), spell turning, word of chaos (DC 22); cloak of chaos (DC 23), holy aura (DC 23), protection from spells; gate, mage’s disjunction (DC 24), summon monster IX (chaotic/good monsters only)

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 14th, concentration +24; +2 on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance)

7th Level- elemental bombardmentM (CL 24), ice bodyM (CL 24), mage’s swordM, spell turning

6th Level- cold ice strikeM (DC 30, CL 24), freezing sphere (DC 30, CL 24), globe of invulnerability, legend lore, telepathyM, torrent of elemental rage (DC 30, CL 24)

5th Level- cone of coldM (DC 29, CL 24), mage’s private sanctum, polymorph (DC 25), sending, telekinesis (DC 25), teleport (DC 25)

4th Level- creeping ice (DC 28, CL 24), fire shieldM (DC 24/28, CL 14/24), ice storm (CL 28), phantom steed, communal, secure shelter, stoneskin (DC 24), wall of ice (DC 28, CL 24)

3rd Level- dispel magic, elemental aura (DC 23/27, CL 14/24), fireballM (DC 23), flame arrow, fly (DC 23), heroism (DC 23), lightning bolt (DC 23)

2nd Level- acid arrow, defensive shock, elemental touchM (DC 22/26, CL 14/24), embrace destiny, flaming sphere (DC 22), flurry of snowballs (DC 26, CL 24), invisibility (DC 22), snow shape (CL 24)

1st Level- alarm, burning handsM (DC 21), icicle dagger (CL 24), magic missile, shield, shocking grasp, sleep (DC 21), snowball (CL 24)

0-Level- detect magic, light, ray of frost (CL 24), read magic


Str 22, Dex 25, Con 19, Int 31, Wis 20, Cha 21

Base Atk +17; CMB +33 (+ 35 when fighting on ice, +37 to escape a grapple or from bonds); CMD 40 (42 when fighting on ice)

Traits Indomitable, Inspired

Feats Advanced Weapon Training (fighter’s finesse), Alertness*, Combat Expertise (+5/-5), Dodge, Elemental FocusM (cold), Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency* (bastard sword), Free SpiritM, Greater Elemental Focus (cold), Greater Weapon Focus* (bastard sword), Greater Weapon Specialization* (bastard sword), Rime Spell, Scribe Scroll*, Swordplay Style, Weapon FinesseM, Weapon FocusM* (bastard sword), Weapon SpecializationM* (bastard sword)

Skills Acrobatics +20, Diplomacy +24, Handle Animal +20, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (arcana) +31, Knowledge (history) +31, Knowledge (local) +31, Knowledge (planes) +33, Knowledge (religion) +26, Perception +22, Perform (oratory) +30, Perform (string) +21, Ride +23, Sense Motive +22, Spellcraft +25/+27, Survival +20

Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Halfling, Infernal, Northern Common, Protean, Sylvan

SQ arcane bond (familiar; marmoset called Shee), arcane discovery (knowledge is power, +10), arcane school, archmage arcana (mage strike), diverse training, legendary hero, path abilities (component freedom, divine source x3 [Chaos; Glory/Confidence, Honor; Good/Azata; Magic/Arcane], elemental bond [cold], harmonious mage, mortal herald [Water/Ice domain], mythic school, mythic spellcasting, sanctum), scholastic, school powers (intense spells +4, versatile evocation 18/day), skill over strength, true archmage

Gear +5 icy burst quenching bastard sword (128,335 gp), +3 endless ammunition icy burst composite longbow (+3) (98,700 gp), icicle wand (CL 7) (12,250 gp), +5 frosted wizard’s mail (103,100 gp), amulet of natural armor +5/true love locket (gold necklace with amethyst, 56,000 gp), belt of physical perfection +6 (144,000 gp), cape of free will +4/+5 (24,000 gp), harp of charming (7,500 gp), headband of mental superiority +6 (144,000 gp), ring of greater fire resistance (44,000 gp), ring of protection +5 (50,000 gp), rime-stride boots (27,000 gp), staff of frost (41,400 gp), wizard’s kit (21 gp).

Shee, Marmoset Familiar

Effective Wizard Level 5

N female Diminutive magical beast

Init +2; Senses low–light vision; Perception +16


AC 19, touch 16, flat–footed 17 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +4 size)

hp 106; 20 effective HD

Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9

Defensive Abilities improved evasion


Speed 30 ft., climb 40 ft.

Melee bite +17 (1d2–4)

Space 1 ft; Reach 0 ft.


Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 4

Base Atk +17; CMB +15; CMD 21

Feats Acrobatic

Skills Acrobatics +30, Climb +10, Perception +16; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics

SQ deliver touch spells, empathic link, share spells, speak with master

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