
sabato 6 luglio 2024

Mesmerist Unified Tradition for Legends of the Spheres

A mesmerist has 6 skill ranks per level and an affinity for the Bluster and Communication skill spheres, even if he is not a fighting class.

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Mesmerists use both mind magic and more mundane types of hypnosis to bolster their allies’ morale and bend their enemies’ will.

Magic Type: Psychic

Casting Ability Modifier: Charisma

Bonus Magic Talents: Mind sphere, either Illusion sphere or a (charm) talent of their choice from the Mind sphere.

Drawbacks: Emotional Casting, Rigorous Concentration

Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes.

Bonus Skill Talents:

Automatic Trade Talents: Orator, Translator.

Trade Talent Class Skills: BluffR, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics, Sense Motive.

Automatic Skill Sphere: Bluster sphere.

Adroit Trade Talents: False Mage, Smuggler.

Trade Talent Class Skills: Disguise, Knowledge (arcana), Sleight of HandR, Stealth, Use Magic Device.

R Escape Artist and Spellcraft in place of redundant Bluff, Knowledge (religion) in place of redundant Sleight of Hand.

Adroit Bonus Skill Talents: Communication sphere or the Bluster sphere (Meaningful Look talent).

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