
domenica 12 maggio 2024

New Mythic Sorcerer Bloodlines, Part 2

Part 2: Div to Ghoul

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Mythic Div Bloodline

At 1st level, the save DC bonus gained through the bloodline arcana increases by 1, +1 for every 3 mythic tiers the sorcerer possesses beyond 1st.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains resist acid and electricity equal to ½ her mythic tier (minimum resist 1).

Mythic Djinni Bloodline

At 1st level, whenever the sorcerer casts a spell with the electricity descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

At 3rd level, whenever the sorcerer is affected by a spell that deals electricity damage, and the spell has a caster level no lower than the sorcerer’s character level -2, if the spell does not successfully harm the sorcerer, she gains a +1 bonus to caster level for a number of rounds equal to half the spell’s level.

At mythic tier 6, if the spell is mythic and does not damage the sorcerer, the caster level bonus is +2.

Mythic Dreamspun Bloodline

At 1st level, the insight bonus to AC and saving throws gained from the bloodline arcana lasts for 2 rounds.

At mythic tier 5, it lasts for 3 rounds.

At mythic tier 10, it lasts for 4 rounds.

Mythic Ectoplasm Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer’s damaging spells deal 100% damage to incorporeal creatures, and her non-damaging spells have a 75% chance of affecting them.

At 11th level, the sorcerer’s actual reach increases by 5 feet, extending her threatened area.

Mythic Efreeti Bloodline

At 1st level, whenever the sorcerer casts a spell with the fire descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

At 3rd level, whenever the sorcerer is affected by a spell that deals fire damage, and the spell has a caster level no lower than the sorcerer’s character level -2, if the spell does not successfully harm the sorcerer, she gains a +1 bonus to caster level for a number of rounds equal to half the spell’s level.

At mythic tier 6, if the spell is mythic and does not damage the sorcerer, the caster level bonus is +2.

Mythic Ghoul Bloodline

At 1st level, the sorcerer adds her mythic tier to the hit points healed when casting necromancy spells through her bloodline arcana.

At 3rd level, the sorcerer gains a +2 bonus to saves against paralysis. This increases to +4 at 9th level.

At 15th level, the sorcerer adds 30 ft. to her burrow speed.

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