
mercoledì 21 febbraio 2024

Omdura Variant Multiclassing

Minor classes need some love in other things besides Spheres traditions!

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Omdura Variant Multiclassing

A character who chooses omdura as her secondary class gains the following secondary class features.

Deity: At 1st level, she must select a deity within one alignment step of her alignment. She gains the omdura’s aura, code of conduct and restriction on casting spells of opposed alignments.

Detect Alignment: At 3rd level, she can detect alignment as a 1st-level omdura.

Invocation: At 7th level, once per day, she can use the invocation class feature as an omdura of her character level – 3.

Divine Might: At 11th level, she gains the ability to use divine might once per day as an Omdura of her character level -4.

Additional Invocation: At 15th level, she can use the invocation class feature twice per day.

Improved Invocation: At 19th level, she gains the improved invocation ability.

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