
mercoledì 18 ottobre 2023

Patron Request: Brass Men from Thinking Races: What Savage Beasts

 As requested by Ronald J Paris!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Brass Men (Advanced Race, 12 RP)

Brass men are humans infused with a tiny amount of brass dragon blood in order to train them as slaves and gladiators.

Type: Humanoid (0 RP) Brass men are humanoids with the brass man subtype.

Ability Score Modifiers: Specialized (1 RP) +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int. Brass men are strong and resilient, but but their minds are kept dull by slavery and violence.

Size: Medium (0 RP)

Speed: Normal (0 RP) 30 ft.

Languages: Standard (0 RP) Brass men begin game speaking Common and Draconic. Brass men with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Elven, Ignan,Terran,or Sylvan.

Defense Racial Traits

Desert Runner (2 RP) Brass men receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.

Tireless (2 RP) Once per day as a move action, brass men can remove the fatigued condition from themselves as if they had rested for a night. If a brass man is exhausted when they activate this ability, they become fatigued instead.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Dragon Kin (2 RP) Brass men gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (arcana) skill checks regarding dragons.

Offense Racial Traits

Powerful Build (3 RP) Brass men gain a +1 bonus on their CMB and CMD and are considered Large creatures for the purpose of wielding weapons.

Senses Racial Traits

Darkvision 60 ft. (2 RP)

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