
domenica 17 settembre 2023

Magical Tinkerer Arcanist Archetype for Spheres of Guile

This is for another rebuild I will post later!

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Magical Tinkerer (Arcanist)

A magical tinkerer breaks down spells to see how they work, reassembles parts to create new effects, and modifies magic items in new and unexpected ways.

Trade Tradition If this is this character’s first level in any class, the magical tinkerer may select a trade tradition of their choice, and have an adroit trade rank.

This replaces the arcanist’s normal class skills.

Magengineer At 1st level, the magical tinkerer gains the Spellhacking sphere as a bonus sphere. She can use Spellcraft instead of Use Magic Device as the associated skill for the Spellhacking sphere. The magical tinkerer can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to gain a +1 bonus on a skill check to hack magic or to create a mishap. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given skill check in this way. This replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 1st level.

Gimmicks Whenever the magical tinkerer would gain an arcanist exploit, she may instead choose to gain a single skill talent. A magical tinkerer may not exchange an exploit if he possesses an archetype that would alter or replace the exploit gained at that level.

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