
domenica 10 settembre 2023

Guileful Thaumaturge for Spheres of Guile

There is the Martial Thaumaturge for Spheres of Might, and there is the Savant archetype that is a martial alternate class. Then there is the Genius martial/skill alternate class in Legends of the Spheres. We have not a guile-only Thaumaturge archetype, though. So here is one, made by converting the Martial Thaumaturge. It is also compatible with the Savant, granting more choice both of combat and skill talents. And I will use it soon in a build just that way.

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Guileful Thaumaturge

Guileful thaumaturges can access the skill spheres, although they're not as focused on it as Geniuses.

Trade Tradition If this is this character’s first level in any class, the guileful thaumaturge may select a trade tradition of her choice, and has an adroit trade rank.

This replaces the thaumaturge’s normal class skills.

Skill Expertise (Ex) The guileful thaumaturge is a Trained operative, gaining skill spheres and talents as described in Using Spheres of Guile.

This replaces the thaumaturge’s bonus feats. 

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