
sabato 26 agosto 2023

Rogue Archetype: Dilettante for Spheres of Guile

 When Spheres of Guile came out, I was surprised that there was not a rogue archetype in the book using professional’s methods, like the Sphere Wizard used the incanter’s sphere specializations and the Soldier fighter used the conscript’s ones.

So I created it. It’s compatible with the Treasure Seeker and the Canny Scoundrel. I could still modify it in the future, though.

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A dilettante rogue learns many different abilities, and can cover many roles in a party, from the tank to the detective to the scholar or charlatan mage.

Trade Tradition If this is this character’s first level in any class, the dilettante may select a trade tradition of her choice, and has an adroit trade rank.

This replaces the rogue’s normal class skills.

Skill Expertise (Ex) The dilettante is a Virtuoso operative, gaining skill spheres and talents as described in Using Spheres of Guile.

This replaces the rogue talents gained at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, and the finesse training class feature.

Professional Method At 1st level, a dilettante gains one professional method of her choice from the list of professional methods included in the Professional class description. The dilettante treats this method as a professional’s first method, using her rogue class levels as professional levels for this purpose. If you would gain the same professional method from multiple sources (such as professional levels), the levels in all classes which grant it stack to determine its effect instead of granting the abilities multiple times.

This replaces sneak attack. 

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