
mercoledì 11 gennaio 2023

New Panache Feat: At the Envoi’s End

Let me say it, Cyrano needed his signature feat. And it’s a great multiclass ability for a bard/swashbuckler, I wonder why no one had thought of this yet…

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At the Envoi’s End (Combat, Panache)

Bardic inspiration guides your sword’s point.

Prerequisites: Amateur Swashbuckler feat or panache class feature, bardic performance class feature.

Benefit: As a swift action, you can end an Act, Comedy, Dance, Oratory, or Sing performance to gain a morale bonus on an attack that uses the bleeding wound, deadly stab, perfect thrust, precise strike, stunning stab, or targeted strike deeds. The bonus gained is equal to the number of bardic performance rounds you spent.

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