
domenica 2 ottobre 2022

Alternate Grand Mutagen Discoveries for Alchemists

True Mutagen is a neat Grand Discovery for alchemists, but there is no such thing for cognatogens and other mutagen types. This is not fair. So here they are. Enjoy!

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Grand Mutagen DIscoveries

True Cognatogen (Su): The alchemist’s cognatogen now grants a +8 natural armor bonus and a +8 alchemical bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The alchemist takes a –2 penalty to his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution as long as the cognatogen persists. An alchemist must possess the grand cognatogen discovery before selecting this discovery.

True Fey Mutagen (Su): The alchemist’s fey mutagen now grants a +8 alchemical bonus to Dexterity and Charisma, a –2 penalty to his Strength, DR 15/cold iron, and the druid’s woodland stride class feature. In addition, he gains the Fey template and can choose not to allow spells and effects to affect him if they would not be capable of affecting both his original creature type and the fey creature type. An alchemist must possess the greater fey mutagen discovery before selecting this discovery.

True Inspiring Cognatogen (Su): The alchemist’s inspiring cognatogen now grants a +6 dodge bonus to AC and a +6 bonus to Reflex saving throws; a –8 penalty to Strength and Constitution; and the effects of having the combat inspiration, device talent, and greater combat inspiration investigator talents. An alchemist must possess the grand inspiring cognatogen discovery before select this discovery.

True Rasugen (Su): The alchemist’s rasugen now grants a +8 alchemical bonus on all saving throws, 6 temporary hit points per alchemist level, and immunity to death effects, disease, level drain, mind-affecting effects, and poison. The alchemist takes a –8 penalty to Intelligence and a –4 penalty to Charisma and Wisdom as long as the grand rasugen persists. An alchemist must possess the greater rasugen discovery before selecting this discovery.

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