
sabato 10 settembre 2022

Revised Rogue Talents for Familiars

 I think it’s great that a rogue can have a familiar, though it must wait until 12th level to gain the Familiar advanced talent.

But why should an Eldritch Scoundrel (a rogue with arcane powers and spells) have to wait so much as well, when a magus can get a familiar at 3rd level instead?! And what about multiclass rogues/arcane casters?

So I reskinned and added to these. Enjoy.

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Rogue Talents

Familiar (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a familiar as the familiar option of the wizard’s arcane bond class feature. This ability functions exactly like that part of the class feature, but the rogue’s effective wizard level is her rogue level –4. The rogue must be able to cast 1st-level arcane spells before she can choose this talent. If the rogue already has a familiar from another source, she can instead add her rogue levels to her equivalent wizard level to calculate her familiar’s abilities. This is a normal rogue talent, not an advanced talent. This talent is also available to investigators and slayers to select.

Rogue Advanced Talents

Improved Familiar (Ex): The rogue gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat. The rogue must have a familiar -either from the familiar rogue talent or some other source- in order to gain this advanced talent. Slayers can select this as an advanced slayer talent.

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