
sabato 6 novembre 2021

The Dreaming Master (Narcoleptic Psychic) (Updated)

 This update still uses rules from Everybody Games’ book Childhood Adventures.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating! 

The Dreaming Master (Narcoleptic Psychic)

Child reborn samsaran psychic (Ascendant Mind) 1

N Small humanoid (samsaran)

Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +2


AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size)

hp 5 (1d6-1)

Fort -1, Ref +2, Will +4

Weaknesses aura transparency


Speed 20 ft.

Melee sickle +0 (1d4-1)

Ranged psionic blast +3 (1d8 nonlethal)

Special Attacks bludgeon +4

Psychic Magic (Sp) (CL 1st; concentration +4) 5 PE— burst of insight (1 PE), detect psychic significance (0 PE), object reading (2 PE), psychic reading (1 PE)


Caster Level 1; MSB +1; MSD 12; Concentration +4

Tradition Dream Master (Drawbacks: Mental Focus, Narcoleptic Casting, Spiritual Voyager (Death); Boons: Overcharge; +1 spell point, +1 every 6 levels in casting classes); CAM Int

Spell Points 5

Mind Sphere - DC 13; Duration None; Range Close (25 ft); Talents none; Drawbacks none

- Suggestion (Lesser, Greater)

Telekinesis Sphere - DC 13; Duration 1 round, Concentration; Range Close (25 ft); Talents none; Drawbacks none

- Sustained Force

- Hostile Lift

- Bludgeon

- Catch

Warp Sphere - DC 13; Duration none; Range Close (25 ft.); Talents Teleport Object; Drawbacks Inanimate Teleport

- Teleport

- Teleport Object


Str 8, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 14

Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10

Traits Old Soul, Waking Dreamer; Drawbacks Tainted Spirit

Feats Psychic Virtuoso*, Third Eye

Skills Intimidate +6, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +7

Languages Celestial, Common, Ignan, Infernal, Samsaran

SQ discipline powers (illuminating answers [2 points], mnemonic cache [10 pages, 30 minutes]), phrenic pool (2 points), phrenic techniques (autohypnosis, psionic blast, thought shield), psychic discipline (lore), psychic learning

Gear meditation tea (30 gp), psychic’s kit (35 gp), sickle (6 gp)


Special Abilities

Aura Transparency: A reborn samsaran has difficulty hiding his psychic signatures. The DC of any skill check made to read his aura decreases by 5, and the check takes one-tenth as long as normal to perform.

Mental Focus Your magic requires you to have a focus that is not always possible to achieve. You normally have focus, but lose it whenever you fail a save versus mind-affecting magic, have a critical hit confirmed on you, or a condition causes you to lose the ability to concentrate (such as being nauseated or helpless or failing a forced concentration check such as from being entangled). Using magic without your mental focus requires you to attempt a concentration check (DC 20 + ½ caster level) to produce the desired effect. Failure means time (and any spell points) are spent, but no effect happens. If focus is lost, the caster can refocus by meditating as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Mind Sphere you gain the ability to alter the minds of others, causing them to act as you see fit. All (charm) and (cloud) effects are enchantment (compulsion) mind-affecting abilities.

Note: Some Mind sphere abilities allow the caster to make a request of the target creature and have different effects depending on the particular request made. While the final decision on what request falls into what category is up to the GM, the examples in Table: Example Requests are a shorthand for players and GMs hoping to quickly determine what an enchanted creature might or might not be asked to do.

Table: Example Requests


Very Simple Request

Basic Request

Would not normally do

Against the creature’s nature


Provide healing to an injured person

Protect the innocent from danger, hunt a monster in the area

Ignore minor criminal activity, hide a creature of dubious guilt

Attack teammates, slaughter the innocent, renounce her religion, desecrate a temple

Evil-aligned professional thief

Steal a simple, unattended object, visit a tavern

Share non-compromising information, teach someone thieving skills

Donate a few coins to charity, reveal secret plans, stab their co-conspirators in the back

Give up their most valuable magic items, reveal their greatest secrets, turn themselves in for their crimes


Grab fish from a stream

Calm down and not attack an unassuming target

Ignore a humanoid sitting in its den

Ignore the kidnapping of its cubs

Orc bandit

Mug a weak, unguarded target

Join a raid on a town, or the hunting of a monster

Help run a farm, ignore a rich-looking target, fight a target where survival is uncertain

Fight a target where survival is unlikely, join a raid against its own people

Ancient dragon

Eat an annoying humanoid

Eat an unassuming humanoid

Give up a valuable item

Give up its hoard

Middle-aged farmer

Eat lunch

Give a kind stranger a meal and a hayloft to sleep in

House and feed a squadron of questionable men, help a team of adventurers as a cook and porter on their quests

House wanted criminals, allow the kidnapping of his family, take up arms and become a soldier

Mind: Charm You may place charms on creatures. Charms require a standard action to use, have a range of close, and are subject to spell resistance. You may only use charms on targets that possess your own creature type (humanoid for humanoids, etc.) although the Expanded Charm talent changes this. Each charm has three strengths; lesser, greater, and powerful. Lesser charms are at-will abilities, but you may not target an individual creature more than once in a day with any individual lesser charm. Greater charms cost a spell point to use and powerful charms cost 2 points to use. You must possess the Powerful Charm talent before you may use any powerful charms.

When you gain the Mind sphere, you gain the following charm:

Mind: Suggestion (Charm) You may plant thoughts into a target’s mind.

Lesser Charm: You may plant a suggestion in a target’s mind, which they obey as if the thought had been their own (Will negates). The suggested course of activity must be limited to a sentence or two and must be a very simple request. The creature performs the suggested action until it finishes, or for 1 hour per caster level, whichever comes first. If you choose, you can instead specify conditions the creature should look for, (i.e., “you should search the next person who enters this room, looking for weapons.”) If the condition is not met before this duration expires, the activity is not performed.

Greater Charm: This works as the lesser charm, but may be up to a basic request. Very simple requests cause the save to be made with a -2 penalty. The target cannot be asked to do anything it would not normally do.

Powerful Charm: This works as the lesser charm, but the creature obeys any course of action given, so long as the suggestion is not obviously fatal or against the target’s nature. Basic requests cause the save to be made with a -2 penalty, while very simple requests cause the save to be made with a -4 penalty.

Narcoleptic Casting Your magic has a pacifying effect that can lull you to sleep. At the end of any round in which you spend 1 or more spell points (or the equivalent for characters that qualify for a casting tradition but spend an alternate resource such as ki in place of spell points) you must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw with a DC of 10 + ½ your total levels in casting classes (minimum DC 11) or fall asleep standing up for 1 round. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature without dealing damage is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). Creatures immune to sleep cannot gain this drawback; if a creature later becomes immune to sleep after gaining this drawback, they may immediately retrain it for another drawback or lose it, recalculating their spell points as appropriate.

This counts as 2 drawbacks when determining the number of spell points gained.

Overcharge You may overcharge your magic, giving yourself great power at the cost of your own strength. Whenever you use a sphere ability, you may give yourself a +2 competence bonus to your caster level for that ability, but you become fatigued afterward. If you are already fatigued, you become exhausted. If you are exhausted, you collapse to the ground unconscious for 1d4 rounds. Creatures immune to fatigue cannot benefit from this boon.

Phrenic Pool (Su): A psychic has a pool of supernatural mental energy that she can draw upon to manipulate psychic spells as she casts them. The maximum number of points in a psychic’s phrenic pool is equal to ½ her psychic level + her Wisdom or Charisma modifier, as determined by her psychic discipline. The phrenic pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours don’t need to be consecutive. The psychic might be able to recharge points in her phrenic pool in additional circumstances dictated by her psychic discipline. Points gained in excess of the pool’s maximum are lost.

Phrenic Techniques: The ascendant mind learns a large number of small, useful powers powered by her phrenic pool. Using any phrenic technique requires spending one point from her phrenic pool, and any saving throw against a phrenic technique is a Will save with a DC equal to 10 + ½ her ascendant mind level + her casting ability modifier. All phrenic techniques are mind-affecting abilities, but have the ability to affect creatures normally immune to mind-affecting abilities. Those creatures gain a +4 to their saving throws against phrenic techniques instead. Mindless creatures are always immune to phrenic techniques.

At 1st level, the ascendant mind gains the following abilities:

Autohypnosis: As an immediate action, the ascendant mind may use a limited form of mind control on herself. She may reroll a concentration check she just made. She must keep the second result, even if it is lower than the first.

Psionic Blast: The ascendant mind may use a standard action to fire a blast of psychic energy. She may make a ranged touch attack against an enemy within 30 feet. If successful, the target takes 1d8 nonlethal damage per class level.

Thought Shield: The ascendant mind may use an immediate action to create a small telekinetic shield that blocks a single attack. She receives a +2 shield bonus against that attack. The decision to use this power is made after a successful attack roll is made, but before damage dice or saving throws are rolled. The shield bonus lasts until the beginning of her next turn.

Psychic Attunement: Reborn samsarans receive Psychic Virtuoso as a bonus feat at 1st level. Those who can’t use occult skill unlocks at 1st level instead gain the Psychic Sensitivity feat as a bonus feat.

Psychic Discipline (Ex or Sp): Each psychic accesses and improves her mental powers through a particular method, such as rigorous study or attaining a particular mental state. This is called her psychic discipline. She gains additional spells known based on her selected discipline. The choice of discipline must be made at 1st level; once made, it can’t be changed. Each psychic discipline gives the psychic a number of discipline powers (at 1st, 5th, and 13th levels), and grants her additional spells known. In addition, the discipline determines which ability score the psychic uses for her phrenic pool and phrenic amplifications abilities. The DC of a saving throw against a psychic discipline ability equals 10 + ½ the psychic’s level + the psychic’s Intelligence modifier.

At 1st level, a psychic learns an additional spell determined by her discipline. She learns another additional spell at 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, until learning the final one at 18th level. These spells are in addition to the number of spells given on Table 1–8. Spells learned from a discipline can’t be exchanged for different spells at higher levels.

The ascendant mind gains a psychic discipline, but does not gain bonus spells from her discipline. Discipline powers that trigger with the use of psychic spells are triggered by any sphere ability.

Psychic Discipline: Lore

By collecting expert information and reading all sorts of treatises and chapbooks on occult subjects, you learn proper techniques and rituals to empower your mental abilities. Your abilities become stronger through study and science, not instinct.

Phrenic Pool Ability: Wisdom

Discipline Powers: Your powers relate to your extensive knowledge and your ability to alter and adapt your memory.

Illuminating Answers (Su): You can glean deeper truths from advice you magically obtain, even if the information itself is specious. When you use a spell or spell-like ability that allows you to get answers to questions (such as augury, blood biography, or contact other plane) and get at least one answer, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool. You regain this point even if the answer is false or vague. The maximum number of points you can regain in this way per day is equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Mnemonic Cache (Su): You can memorize a piece of information and later recall it perfectly. Your mnemonic cache can hold roughly 10 pages of written information, including images and maps, or 30 minutes’ worth of speech or music. (Memorizing music doesn’t confer the ability to perform it properly.) The amount you can store increases by 5 pages and 5 minutes at 2nd level, and at every psychic level thereafter. You can hold only one piece of information in your mnemonic cache at a time. The information doesn’t go away when you recall it, but when you put a new piece of information in the cache, the old piece becomes as imperfect any other memory. Memorizing magical writing (such as a scroll or a page from a spellbook) doesn’t confer the ability to borrow, duplicate, or retain any of the magic in the writing. You could reproduce the spell in writing to allow someone who prepares spells from a spellbook to prepare it, though this functions as using a borrowed spellbook for anyone other than you. If you’re in telepathic contact with another creature (through telepathic bond, for example), you can transfer the information directly into its mind as a free action. For this creature, the information functions like a normal memory, not one with perfect clarity.

You can attempt to sequester a written magical trap (such as explosive runes or sepia snake sigil) in your mnemonic cache and destroy it. Treat this as a Disable Device check to disarm a magical trap (as though you had the trapfinding class feature). Your bonus on this roll is equal to either your Disable Device modifier or the sum of 5 + your psychic level + your Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher. If you succeed, instead of being disabled, the trap is erased and destroyed. This ability can’t destroy symbol traps; it functions only if written text is involved.

Psychic Learning: When a reborn samsaran expends psychic energy to cast psychic reading to identify a humanoid’s class, he temporarily treats two of the target’s class skills as if they were class skills for him. He can use these skills untrained and gains a +2 insight bonus on such checks. These benefits last for 24 hours or until the reborn samsaran spends psychic energy to cast psychic reading again.

Reborn Magic: A reborn samsaran with a Charisma score of 11 or higher can cast the following spells (as per the psychic magic universal monster rule, using his Charisma modifier to determine the DCs): burst of insight (1 PE), detect psychic significance (0 PE), object reading (2 PE), and psychic reading (1 PE). The caster level is equal to the reborn samsaran’s level. The reborn samsaran has a reservoir of 5 PE per day.

Telekinesis Sphere You can lift and move objects through magic.

Telekinesis: Telekinesis As a standard action, you can use telekinesis to lift one willing creature or unattended object within close range and move it up to 20 feet + 5 feet per 5 caster levels (its telekinesis speed). The creature or object levitates as long as you concentrate, have line of effect, and the object remains within close range. The objects and creatures you may lift are restricted by size; the largest creature or object you can lift is given in the chart below. This assumes the creature or object is made from a dense material, such as flesh creatures or stone objects.

Creatures or objects made of lighter materials, mostly open space, or reduced to ½ weight with the Lighten talent of the Enhancement sphere count as being one size category smaller, while weightless creatures or objects count as being 2 size categories smaller for this purpose.

Table: Object Size

Caster Level

Object Size

Sample Object

Average Weight (lbs.)




1 lbs.




5 lbs.



Heavy shield

25 lbs.



Adult human

125 lbs.




625 lbs.




3,125 lbs.




8 tons



Sailing Ship

39 tons




195 tons




977 tons




4,883 tons




24,414 tons

Your telekinesis is simple and cannot perform dexterous actions (tying a knot, opening a book, turning a key, etc.). Any object you control with telekinesis has a touch AC of 10 + your casting ability modifier + any size modifier, and a CMD of 10 + your caster level + your casting ability modifier + the object’s size modifier. If ever a Strength check is required (such as a creature trying to battle you for control of an item), you may use your casting ability modifier as your Strength modifier for that purpose. If another target attempts to use telekinesis on something you are already affecting with telekinesis, they must overcome your MSD first, or the attempt fails.

The following special rules apply to certain activities you may perform with telekinesis:

Telekinesis: Bludgeon Once per turn when lifting a creature or object with telekinesis (referred to as a Bludgeon), you can spend its remaining movement to strike a creature or object within its reach.

This is considered a ranged attack and can benefit from feats or combat talents related to weapon and ranged attacks, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity except as provoked by the casting of the telekinesis itself. Making the attack is a standard action; if the caster is both maintaining a telekinesis effect via concentration and making a Bludgeon attack, they need only spend a single action to do both, provided it is the larger action of the two.

When you use a Bludgeon to strike a target, you must succeed at a ranged attack roll against the target, using your casting ability modifier in place of Dexterity for the attack roll.

On a successful hit, the target and the Bludgeon take damage depending on the Bludgeon’s size. If the Bludgeon is a weapon, the attack deals appropriate damage for that weapon (bolts and arrows are treated as daggers for this purpose). Since weapons are designed to deal damage, they do not suffer damage themselves if used as a Bludgeon. Objects beyond Colossal are still treated as Colossal for calculating damage.

Table: Object Damage

Object Size

Damage Dealt



















Telekinesis: Catch If using telekinesis on a projectile or thrown object within your size limit (often as a readied action), you may stop the attack from dealing damage. The originator of the attack (the creature who threw the projectile, etc.) is allowed a Will save to negate this ability. After Catching an object, you may move it as normal for your telekinesis.

Telekinesis: Hostile Lift You may spend a spell point to lift an unwilling creature with telekinesis. The target is allowed a Will save to negate this effect, plus an additional Will save each round the effect is maintained. Telekinesis used in this way is subject to spell resistance.

If a Hostile Lift is sustained with Sustained Force, it only lasts until the target succeeds at its save. A creature may suffer falling damage if they successfully save while floating high in the air.

Telekinesis: Sustained Force As a free action, you can spend a spell point to no longer need to concentrate to maintain lifting a particular object for up to 1 minute per caster level. You may give a Sustained Force simple orders (float in the air, go north, follow a target) that it obeys to the best of its ability, to a maximum of your telekinesis range. Changing a Sustained Force’s orders is a move action.

You cannot sustain combat-related uses of telekinesis (combat maneuvers, Bludgeons, etc.), nor complicated tasks (make a wagon load itself with stones and move them to another location, etc.). You may dismiss a Sustained Force as a standard action.

Warp Sphere You can twist space to your whim.

Inanimate Teleport You cannot teleport creatures, only objects. You must select Teleport Object with the bonus talent you gain from this drawback.

Warp: Teleport You can spend a standard action to teleport yourself and up to a heavy load to any place within close range. Alternatively, you may teleport a touched willing creature and their carried equipment instead of yourself. You may spend a spell point to increase your teleport range to medium instead of close. You must have line of sight to your destination.

Warp: Teleport Object You may teleport objects independent of people. The object cannot weigh more than 10 pounds per caster level, and it cannot be in the possession of another creature (in their hand or on their person). If a creature is willing, you may teleport the object directly into their hand or onto their person.
If you possess the Ranged Warp talent, you may, as a readied action, catch a projectile out of the air that passes within range, redirecting it against another target if you wish. The creature who initiated the attack is allowed a Will save to negate this effect, and you must make an attack roll against the new target, but using your casting ability modifier in place of Dexterity when making the attack. Damage is still determined by the creature who initiated the attack.

Future Abilities

Magic Talents Amnesia**, Command*, Distant Teleport, Divided Mind*, Divination Sphere*, Divine Future, Divine Knowledge*, Emergency Teleport, Expanded Charm*, Finesse**, Focused Power, Greater Communication*, Inanimate Teleport rebuy, Inception, Increased Range (x2), Kinetic Field, Kinetic Sense**, Mass Charm, Mass Teleport, Powerful Charm*, Powerful Telekinesis*, Project Thoughts, Ranged Mind, Ranged Warp, Read Mind, Read Omens*, Subtlety*, Telekinetic Push, True Teleport, Unseeing Teleport, Unwilling Teleport

Feats Dreamspace, Empath, Force Shield, Meditation Master, Mind Over Matter, Oneiric Assault, Otherworldly Mind, Psychic Combatant, Psychic Defender

Casting Tradition: Dream Master

Dream masters travel with their mind into realms far from what we call reality.

Casting Ability Modifier: Intelligence

Drawbacks: Mental Focus, Narcoleptic Casting; Spiritual Voyager (Death)

Boons: Overcharge; +1 spell point, +1 every 6 levels in casting classes)

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