
domenica 19 settembre 2021

The Witch Raider, Updated

 I had created this character as a multiclass Inquisitor/Trobadour, but with the new rules, I can remake him with one class only.

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The Witch Raider

Half-elf inquisitor (Expulsionist, Shield of the Gods, Soldier of the Gods) 1

NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)

Init ; Senses low-light vision, Perception +5/+6


AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)

hp 9 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref , Will +5.  racial bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Defensive Abilities covenant with the gods 1/day; Immune sleep


Speed 30 ft.

Melee rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20), bastard sword one-handed +0 (1d10, 19-20), bastard sword two-handed +0 (1d10,19-20), or whip +0 (1d3, nonlethal)

Ranged light crossbow (1d8,19-20)

Special Attacks channel energy 5/day (1d6, DC 12; harm or turn undead or evil outsiders only)


Caster Level 1; MSB +1, MSD 12, Concentration +4
Tradition Inquisitor (Drawbacks: Verbal Casting, Focus Casting; Boon: +1 spell point, +1 per three levels in casting classes); CAM Wis
Spell Points 5

Divination Sphere - DC 13; Duration Divine (Concentration), Sense (1 Hour); Range Medium (110 ft); Talents (Bonus: Detect Loyalties, Divine Alignment, Divine Fate); Drawbacks none
- Divine (Divine, Detect Loyalties, Divine Alignment, Divine Fate)
- Sense (Read Magic)

Fate Sphere - DC 13; Duration Concentration or 1 min/level; Range Consecration (20 ft.), Word (25 ft.); Talents Divine Force (good); Drawbacks none

- Consecration (Serendipity, Divine Force)

- Word (Hallow)

Tradition Expedition Spotter (Equipment: Rogue Weapon Training, Fencing sphere, Scout sphere, Trap sphere [Dismantler drawback]) PAM Wis
Equipment sphere - DC 13, Talents Rogue Weapon Training

- rogue weapon training (discipline) (proficiency with blade boot, butterfly knife, garrote, hand crossbow, kukri, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, starknife, switchblade knife, sword cane, war razor, and whip.  competence bonus to Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon on your person)
Fencing sphere - DC 13, Talents none, Drawbacks none
- fatal thrust (+1d6 precision damage vs. a target within 30 ft. that you are flanking, is flat-footed, or has lost its Dexterity bonus to AC)

Scout sphere - DC 13, Talents none, Drawbacks none
- scout (swift action, identify creature's weaknesses)

Trap sphere - DC 13, Talents Trap Finder, Drawbacks Dismantler

- trap finder (gain bonus on Disable Device, can disable magical traps)


Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14

Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12

Traits Mediator, Schooled Inquisitor

Feats Alignment Channel*, Exotic  Heritage* (Knowledge-engineering), Mystic Focus, Turn Undead*

Skills Bluff +6, Craft (traps) +5, Diplomacy +7, Heal +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (engineering) +4, Knowledge (planes) +5/+6/+7, Knowledge (religion) +5/+6/+7, Stealth +6

Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan

SQ divine magics, expel spirit, expulsionist lore +1, stern gaze +1

Gear bastard sword, buckler, inquisitor’s kit, leather armor, light crossbow with 20 bolts, rapier, whip, 2 gp

Special Abilities

Covenant with the Gods: The shield of the gods can use sphere abilities to protect and enhance herself. As a swift action, she may use any (aegis) talent of the Protection sphere, any (consecration) talent of the Fate sphere, or any (enhance) talent from the Enhancement sphere that can be cast on a creature on herself and that has a duration greater than instantaneous. She can not include other creatures in this casting. She may use a talent she does not possess in this casting, provided she has all the prerequisites and she possesses the base sphere.

The sphere ability lasts for 1 minute without concentration and can not be extended beyond this, nor can they be sacrificed to activate other abilities (such as sacrificing an aegis to activate a succor ability). If an aegis is used, the shield of the gods spends 1 spell point less to create it (minimum: 0). Any other spell point costs must be paid normally. When cast this way, the shield of the gods may use her class level as her caster level. This stacks with other caster level sources normally.

The shield may use this ability once per day, plus an additional time every 3 levels after the 1st, up to a total of 7 times per day at 19th level.

This replaces judgement. Other class features that interact with judgment (such as true judgment) interact the same way with this ability.

Divination Sphere You can predict the future and gain information not available to the usual 5 senses.

Divination: Divine You may divine to gain information. To divine, you must spend 10 minutes meditating, although you may spend a spell point to decrease this time to a single standard action. Divining always has a duration of concentration, but you must spend a full-round action concentrating (you can take no other action, not even walking); you are flat-footed while divining.

When you divine, you detect the strength and location of all magical auras within Medium range. You do not know the exact caster level of an item or spell, but you may sense the aura’s general strength according to the chart below. To determine the spell school or sphere of the effect, you must pass a Knowledge (arcana) check with a DC equal to 15 + ½ the caster level.

Table: Aura Strength

Caster Level

Aura Strength









A magical aura lingers after its original source dissipates (in the case of a spells and sphere effects) or is destroyed (in the case of a magic item). In such a case, divining reveals an aura strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original power:

Table: Lingering Aura

Original Strength

Duration of Lingering Aura


1d6 Rounds


1d6 Minutes


1d6 x 10 Minutes


1d6 Days

When using Spellcraft to identify the properties of a magic item, you may use divine in place of the detect magic spell. Outsiders and elementals are not magical in and of themselves, but if they are summoned, the conjuration effect registers. Divining can penetrate most barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Divination: Alternate Divinations If you possess certain other spheres, you may divine for information other than magical auras. These alternate divinations are detailed below.

Fate: Detect Loyalties If you possess the Fate sphere, you may divine the top three general things matter most to the creatures you can see within range. Examples of base loyalties may include but are not limited to: Country, Faith, Family, Power, and Self. Subcategories for base loyalties may also exist where appropriate such as Self (survival) or Self (perfection). While you do not learn specific details such as proper names of the associated loyalties, you do acquire the order in which the loyalties stand. Mindless creatures might have only 1 loyalty such as Self (survival), whereas creatures with low animal-like intelligence might only have 2 loyalties such as Family (pack) and Self (survival). Only the top three loyalties are revealed, even if they have more.

Fate: Divine Alignment If you possess the Fate sphere, you may divine for a specific part of the alignment spectrum: evil, good, lawful, or chaotic. The strength of these auras are determined according to Chart: Alignment.

Traps, poisons, and other potential perils have no alignment. Creatures with aligned intents (killing in anger, aiding those in need for their own sakes, etc.) may temporarily detect according to their actions.


Aura Power






Aligned Creature1 (HD)

4 or lower




51 or higher

Aligned Undead (HD)


2 or lower



21 or higher

Aligned Outsider (HD)


1 or lower



11 or higher

Cleric or Paladin of an Aligned Deity2 (class levels)





11 or higher

Aligned Magic Item or Spell (Caster Level)

5 or lower




21 or higher

1 Except for Undead and Outsider, which have their own entries on the table.

2 Some characters who are not clerics may radiate an aura of equivalent power. The class description will indicate whether this applies.

Fate: Divine Fate If you possess the Fate sphere, you may divine the alignment auras of creatures you can see within medium range of you. Such creatures emit a colored aura depending upon what alignments or loyalties you share with them. Creatures that share the same moral alignment (Good/Neutral/Evil) emit a red aura. Creatures that share the same ethical alignment (Law/Neutral/Chaos) emit a blue aura. Creatures that share a primary base loyalty (see divine loyalties) emit a yellow aura. Creatures that share multiple colors have their colors combined, i.e. a creature that shares the primary base loyalty of family and the ethical alignment of chaos will emit a green aura. Creatures that share all three primary colors (Red, Blue, and Yellow) emit a glowing white aura. Refer to Chart: Divine Fate below for more information on how colored auras combine. Creatures that do not share any alignment or loyalties do not emit any aura that you can see.

Chart: Divine Fate

Primary Colors    Secondary/Combination Color

Blue and Red             Purple

Blue and Yellow         Green

Red and Yellow        Orange

Blue, Red, and Yellow     White

Divination: Sense As a standard action, you may grant yourself paranormal senses for 1 hour/level. When you gain the Divination sphere, you gain the following sense.

Divination: Read Magic (Sense) You may spend a spell point to gain a sense that allows you to decipher all magical writings, such as those found in books, scrolls, on weapons, or in other places intelligible to you. This does not invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed or trapped scroll. Furthermore, once you have read a magical inscription through this ability, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing even without this sense. You can read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. You can identify glyphs, runes, and symbol spells with a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + ½ caster level).

Some talents are marked (sense). These talents grant you additional senses you may bestow upon yourself. There is no limit to the number of different senses you may have active at a time.

Divine Magics: At 1st level, the shield of the gods receives a bonus magic talent of her choice from either the Enhancement, Fate, or Protection spheres.

This replaces track.

Equipment: Rogue Weapon Training (discipline) You gain proficiency with the blade boot, butterfly knife, garrote, hand crossbow, kukri, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, starknife, switchblade knife, sword cane, war razor, and whip. Additionally, you gain a  competence bonus to Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal a weapon on your person. At +10 base attack bonus, this competence bonus increases to +4.

Expel Spirit (Su) At 1st level, an expulsionist receives Alignment Channel and Turn Undead as bonus feats. She can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier as per a cleric with an effective level equal to her inquisitor level, but only to harm or turn evil outsiders or undead (treating all evil outsiders as undead creatures for the purpose of determining whether they can be affected by Turn Undead). She can take other feats that add to this ability, such as Extra Channel or Improved Channel, but not other feats that fundamentally alter this ability, such as Elemental Channel, and she cannot select Alignment Channel multiple times. The DC to save against this ability is equal to 10 + ½  the expulsionist’s inquisitor level + her Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces domain.

Expulsionist Lore (Ex) At 1st level, an expulsionist gains a bonus equal to ½ her inquisitor level (minimum +1) on skill checks to notice haunts and incorporeal creatures; on Knowledge (religion) checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of haunts and incorporeal creatures; and on Sense Motive checks to determine whether a creature is possessed, under the effects of an enchantment or curse, or otherwise magically controlled.

This ability replaces monster lore.

Fate Sphere You command cosmic forces including luck, destiny, and alignment.

Fate: Consecration As a standard action, you may affect a 20-foot radius + 5 feet per 5 caster levels area centered on you with a consecration. This aura moves as you do. The effects of consecrations are subject to spell resistance. When you gain the Fate sphere, you gain the following consecration:

Fate: Serendipity (consecration) You bestow luck upon your allies. All allies within range gain a +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws. This bonus lasts as long as you concentrate. You may spend a spell point as a free action to allow this effect to continue for 1 round per caster level without concentration.

Fate: Word As a standard action, you may invoke a word of power, affecting a single creature or object within close range. Words are subject to spell resistance.

When you gain the Fate sphere, you gain the following word:

Fate: Hallow (word) You may spend a spell point to hallow a target for 1 minute per caster level. Choose an end of the alignment spectrum (good, evil, lawful, chaotic); you must choose an alignment that you possess. The target of this word gains a +1 sacred bonus (profane bonus if you are evil; if you are neither good nor evil you must choose whether you grant sacred or profane bonuses with this sphere) to attack rolls, AC, and saving throws made against targets of your opposed alignment (evil for good, lawful for chaotic, etc.). This bonus increases by 1 for every 10 caster levels possessed.

The target also gains immunity to any spell or sphere effect that possesses or exercises mental control over them (including enchantment charm effects and enchantment compulsion effects), so long as that effect originates from a creature who possesses your opposed alignment. If the target is already under the influence of such an effect, the target is allowed to attempt a new saving throw against the controlling effect. Success means the effect is suppressed for the duration of this word, but resumes when this word expires. This does not expel a controlling life force (such as a ghost or projected spirit), but it does prevent them from controlling the target.

Fate: Divine Force (consecration) You may fill an area with the influence of an alignment type you are connected to (good, evil, lawful, or chaotic). You must possess this alignment type. Creatures of that alignment’s opposite (good for evil, lawful for chaotic, etc.) within this area suffer one of the following detriments, chosen at random (Fortitude negates):

  1. blind 1 round

  2. deaf 2d4 rounds

  3. staggered 1d4 round

  4. sickened 1d4 round

  5. dazed 1 round

  6. shaken 1d4 round

As this power is cosmic in origin, it can affect undead, even though undead are usually immune to some of these conditions. If you are True Neutral, you may choose neutrality with this consecration, in which case all creatures at the extremes of the alignment spectrum (Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good, and Chaotic Evil) suffer the ill effects. This is an instantaneous effect.

Fencing Sphere Fencers are quick fighters who use nimble footwork and expert feints to open up their target before landing a fatal blow.

When you gain the Fencing sphere, you gain 5 ranks in the Bluff skill, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Fencing sphere (maximum ranks equal to your total Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in the Bluff skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining talents, such as through the armiger’s customized weapons class feature.

Fencing: Fatal Thrust Whenever you make an attack action or an attack of opportunity against a target that is within 30 ft. and that you are flanking, that is flat-footed, or that has lost its Dexterity bonus to AC (such as through a successful feint), you deal an additional +1d6 precision damage to the target. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. This damage increases by an additional 1d6 precision damage for every 5 points of base attack bonus you possess.

A fencer may apply the effects of a single (exploit) talent to any fatal thrust.

Focus Casting Your magic requires you to use an item such as a wand, holy symbol, ring, or staff to create magic. Using magic without your focus requires you to make a concentration check (DC 20 + ½ the caster level) to produce the desired effect. Failure means time (and any spell points) are spent, but no effect happens. If a focus is lost, stolen, or broken, the caster must create a new focus by securing the necessary item and spending 8 hours bonding with it. At the GM’s discretion, however, another caster’s focus may be used instead.

Scout Sphere Training in the Scout sphere teaches you how to hide from danger, identify potential threats and hazards, track opponents through almost any environment, and identify a creature’s key weaknesses. When you gain the Scout sphere, you gain 5 ranks in the Stealth skill, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Scout sphere (maximum ranks equal to your total Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in the Stealth skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining talents, such as through the armiger’s customized weapons class feature.

All practitioners of the Scout sphere gain the following ability:

Scout: Scout As a swift action, you may identify a creature’s weaknesses (DC 10 + creature’s CR) as described under the Knowledge skill, but may substitute a Perception check for the appropriate Knowledge check at a -5 penalty. This only reveals the target’s weaknesses, or lack thereof, (such as damage reduction types and vulnerabilities), and does not reveal any additional information about the target. Once you have succeeded at a scout attempt or Knowledge check against a target, any talents or effects that require you to scout a target may be used against the target for the next 24 hours; after this period you must successfully use the scout ability against the target again to continue benefiting from related effects.

Stern Gaze (Ex) Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to ½ her inquisitor level (minimum +1).

Trap Sphere When you gain the Trap sphere, you gain 5 ranks in the Craft (traps) skill, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Trap sphere (maximum ranks equal to your total Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in the Craft (traps) skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining talents, such as through the armiger’s customized weapons class feature.

Dismantler You do not gain the ability to set traps, including the darts trap and the tripwire snare. You must choose Trap Finder with the bonus talent gained from this drawback.

Trap: Trap Finder You can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. In addition, you gain a +1 competence bonus to Perception checks to locate traps and to Disable Device checks, increasing by +1 for every 4 ranks in Craft (traps) you possess.

Verbal Casting You must speak in a loud, clear voice to cast spells. Using magic alerts all nearby hearing creatures to your presence and location, effectively breaking stealth. You cannot cast in an area of magical silence, or in any other situation where you are unable to speak clearly.

Future Abilities

Magic Atonement, Bless, Detect Secrets, Discern Individual, Divine Information, Divine Pressure, Dowsing, Enhancement Sphere, Expanded Divinations, Geas, Greater Geas, Mark of Judgment, Mercy, Perfect, Protection sphere, Repel Evil, Strength, Truth

Martial Discern Illusions, Defend Other, Expert Reloading, Find Gap, Footwork, Gladiator sphere, Guardian Sphere (patrol), Great Senses, Inspire, Inspiring Pose, Parry and Riposte, Parry Anything, Read Foe, Self Confidence, Target Weakness

Feats Channel Smite, Eldritch Heritage (Eldritch), Greater Channel Smite, Guided Hand, Improved Familiar, Precogniscent Protection, Understand Thy Enemy, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (bastard sword)


Feats Alignment Channel, Channel Smite, Eldritch Heritage, Extra Path Ability, Dual Path, Guided Hand, Improved Familiar, Mystic Focus, Precogniscent Protection, Turn Undead, Weapon Focus

Mythic Tradition Sworn Champion (tranquil guardian’s aura of calm, Reformation inquisition)

Path of the Gifted mythic mastery (Guardian), defiance, speak my name

Path of the Stranger stranger maneuver (painful reckoning), cape glider, memento, menacing whisper, sardonic wit, streetwise seeker, supreme tracker, whiplash

Universal Path Abilities mortal herald (Fate), mythic combat talents

Bonus Magic Talents Classify, Elude Fate, Judgment, Stricture

Bonus Martial Talents Assist, Caper, Discern Tells, Enthusiastic Cheer, Verbal Feint

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