
giovedì 2 settembre 2021

Aligned Subdomains: Kami & Thank You to My Patrons!

 I skipped a post! To apologize, I'll publish the content here.

As this is the first post of the month, in addition, thank you as usual to Zabor, Ronald J Paris, and Ecaeka Ecaicio- please continue to follow me!

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Kami Subdomain

Associated Domain: Protection.

You are devoted to those you pledged to protect. Once per day when you pray for your spells, you can appoint one other creature of your type as your ward. As long as you are within 120 feet from your ward, both of you gain the resistance bonus from the Protection domain. You both lose the bonus if you are farther than 120 feet from each other.

Replacement Power: The following power replaces the resistant touch power of the Protection domain.

Merge With Ward (Su): As a standard action, you  can merge your body and mind with your ward for 1 minute. When merged, you can observe the surrounding region with its senses as if you were using your own body, as well as via any senses your ward might have. You have no control over your ward, nor can you communicate or otherwise take any action other than to emerge from your ward as a standard action. You must be adjacent to your ward to merge with or emerge from it. When you emerge from your ward, both of you heal 1d8 points of damage. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Replacement Domain Spells: 3rd— ward of the season, 5th— summon kami, 9th— antimagic field.

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