
sabato 7 agosto 2021

Deities of Worldcenter: Eala (Part 2)

 Here are the deific obediences for my new goddess. The greater swandragon will be descripted in a future post.

This post already appeared for patrons only on my Patreon page. If you wish to see stuff in advance and have access to other rewards, please consider donating!

Deific Obedience (Eala)

Keep one hand above a flame and hold a little block of ice in the other. Spend time meditating on the fundamental good in everything, the coincidence of opposites, and the inconsistency of evil. Imagine an impossible task for yourself (such as suspend to a web strand, cooking a meal with cold, or helping two star-crossed lovers to marry) and try to find a way to accomplish it when someone is watching. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws against fire and cold effects, and a +2 sacred bonus on the save DC of fire and cold effects you originate.

Evangelist Boons (Favored classes: bard, cavalier, inquisitor, magus, wizard)

1) Defender of Hope (Sp): ice armor 3/day, flames of the faithful 2/day, or good hope 1/day. You must choose if the ice/fire spells deal fire or cold damage every time you perform the obedience.

2) Celestial Squire (Su): You gain a monster cohort with a NG or CG alignment as if you had the Leadership feat. If you already have that feat, you gain a +2 bonus on your Leadership score. You have an empathic link with your celestial squire, as a wizard/witch with their familiar. If you already had a familiar, it instead gains enough levels in a key class to become your cohort (a familiar with a “special” role, like a cassisian, can take levels in any classes, and its advancement follows the same rules for monsters with class levels). The creature retains all the special abilities and the Intelligence score of the familiar, but also has the statistics and abilities of a cohort.

3) Flesh of Frost and Flame (Sp): fiery body or ice body 1/day.

Exalted Boons

1) Elemental Adept (Sp): snowball 3/day, elemental touch 2/day, or elemental aura 1/day. You must choose if the ice/fire spells deal fire or cold damage every time you perform the obedience.

2) Guided by My Conscience (Ex): You gain Guided Hand as a bonus feat, even if you don’t meet the prerequisites. You can add either your Wisdom or Charisma bonus to your attack rolls with the bastard sword or greatsword (whichever is higher).

3) Flamesnow (Sp): Once per day, you can unleash a frightening combination of a blizzard and rain of fire upon your enemies. This functions as a storm of vengeance, but replacing acid damage with cold damage and lightning damage with fire damage.

Sentinel Boons

1) Rampart Against Corruption (Sp): challenge evil 3/day, lesser angelic aspect 2/day, or holy whisper 1/day.

2) Knight of Purity (Su): Extended bestow grace of the champion 1/day, self only. This spell is not considered to have the lawful descriptor.

3) Angelic Protector (Su): You add your levels in sentinel to levels in a class that grants a bonded mount or animal companion, and your mount or animal companion is replaced by a greater swandragon monstrous companion, as per the feat. If you don’t have a bonded mount or animal companion, you gain a +4 sacred bonus on your AC against the attacks of evil outsiders.

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